
时间:2018-09-06 04:30:11
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小学广播稿英语 篇一

Title: Celebrating International Children's Day

Good morning, dear teachers and fellow students. Today is a special day as we celebrate International Children's Day. This day is dedicated to all the children around the world, reminding us of the importance of their rights and well-being. It is a day to appreciate the joys and innocence of childhood.

On this occasion, we have organized several exciting activities for all the students to enjoy and participate in. In the morning assembly, we will have a special performance by our talented classmates. They will be showcasing their skills in singing, dancing, and even acting. Let's give them a big round of applause to show our support and encouragement.

After the assembly, we will move on to the playground where various games and competitions will be held. There will be sack races, relay races, and even a tug-of-war. Everyone is encouraged to participate and have fun. Remember, it's not about winning or losing, but about enjoying the spirit of sportsmanship and teamwork.

In addition to the games, we have prepared a creative corner where you can unleash your artistic talents. There will be coloring activities, face painting, and even a craft station where you can make your own friendship bracelets. Let your imagination run wild and create something unique to take home as a souvenir of this special day.

Furthermore, we have invited a guest speaker who will be sharing inspiring stories and life lessons with us. He will remind us of the importance of education, kindness, and compassion towards others. We hope his words will leave a lasting impact on our minds and motivate us to become better individuals.

Lastly, we would like to remind everyone to cherish and protect the rights of children not just on this day, but every day. Every child deserves love, care, and the opportunity to grow and thrive. Let's be kind, helpful, and understanding towards one another.

Once again, happy International Children's Day! Let us make the most of this day and create beautiful memories together. Thank you.

小学广播稿英语 篇二

Title: Planting Seeds of Kindness

Good morning, teachers and fellow students. Today, I would like to talk to you about the importance of kindness and how we can make a positive impact on the world around us.

Kindness is a simple act that can have a profound effect on someone's life. It can brighten someone's day, make them feel valued and loved, and restore their faith in humanity. As young students, we have the power to spread kindness and make a difference in the lives of others.

One way we can do this is by being inclusive and accepting of everyone. We should embrace diversity and treat each other with respect and empathy. Let's celebrate our differences and learn from one another. By doing so, we create a harmonious and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and accepted.

Another way we can show kindness is by helping others. It can be as simple as offering a helping hand to a classmate who is struggling with their homework or being there for a friend who is going through a tough time. Small acts of kindness can have a big impact on someone's life.

We can also spread kindness through our words. A kind word or compliment can brighten someone's day and boost their self-esteem. Let's use our words to uplift and encourage one another, instead of tearing each other down. Remember, a simple "thank you" or "you did a great job" can go a long way.

Lastly, we can show kindness to our environment by being environmentally conscious. Let's reduce, reuse, and recycle. By taking care of our planet, we are showing kindness to future generations and ensuring a sustainable future for all.

In conclusion, kindness is a powerful tool that can create positive change in the world. Let's plant seeds of kindness in our actions, words, and interactions with others. Together, we can make our school, community, and the world a better place. Thank you for listening, and let's spread kindness wherever we go.

小学广播稿英语 篇三

Good morning, students! This is your daily morning broadcast, and I'm your host [Your Name]. Today, I would like to share some exciting news and important reminders with all of you.

Firstly, I am thrilled to inform you that our school will be organizing a field trip to the local zoo next month. This is a fantastic opportunity for all of you to learn about different animal species and their habitats. It will be an educational and fun-filled day. Please make sure to bring your permission slips, as they need to be handed in by the end of this week. Let's make the most out of this unforgettable experience!

In other news, the school library has recently received a collection of new books. We have a wide variety of genres, ranging from adventure and mystery to science fiction and fantasy. I encourage all of you to visit the library during your free time and explore the wonderful world of books. Reading not only improves your vocabulary and language skills but also enhances your imagination and creativity. So, grab a book and get lost in its pages!

Furthermore, I want to remind all students about the importance of respecting one another. We should treat each other with kindness and empathy, regardless of our differences. Let's create a positive and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and accepted. Remember, a small act of kindness can make a big difference in someone's day.

Lastly, I would like to remind all students to stay active and engage in physical activities. Regular exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You can participate in sports clubs, dance classes, or simply play outdoor games during recess. Let's make physical activity a part of our daily routine and keep ourselves fit and energetic.

That's all for today's broadcast. Thank you for listening, and I hope you have a fantastic day ahead! Stay tuned for more updates and announcements in the upcoming broadcasts.

小学广播稿英语 篇四

小学广播稿英语 篇五



  L:Hello,My name is Liu Lingyun. I’m from Class 1,Grade4.

  P:Hello,I’m Pang Siyun. I’m from the same class.

  L:Are you ready? OK, follow us and enjoy it!


  一.Say you, say me

  P:下面,让我们进入今天的第一个板块“Say you, say me”

  L:Boys and girls, let’s play a game, OK?


  L:Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun? (男孩为什么让他的狗坐在阳光下?)


  L:下面,我来公布答案了:He wants to have a hot dog.


  P:下面让我们继续吧,Who always goes to bed with his shoes on?


  L:Oh ,I see. It’s a horse.同学们,你们猜到了吗?

  P:最后一题,大家仔细听哦。He is a lucky dog. 其中lucky dog是什么意思?提示大家一下, Lucky是幸运的意思



  L:OH,my god!

  二、Big Big World

  P:接下来是我们的第二个版块“Big Big World”“大大的世界&rdquo



  P:the Big Apple不是大苹果的意思,而是指“纽约城”

  例:The little girl is from the Big Apple.


  L:我也知道个关于颜色的俚语。黄色在英语和汉语中的引申含义差别比较大。在英语中,yellow可以表示“胆小、卑怯、卑鄙”的意思,例如: a yelloL dog卑鄙的人


  三、Charming music



  L:当然,the Big Apple指“纽约城”a yellow dog卑鄙的.人

  P:上星期我们欣赏了一首歌曲:Tell me why。今天我们把这首歌介绍一下:




  L:Boys and girls, is it nice?


  L:How time flies! Time to say goodbye now.


  L:OK , so much for today , thanks for listening.


  P&L:See you next week


  a:good afternoon, boys and girls. 同学们,下午好!

  b:welcome to the colourful english. 欢迎收听本周的七彩英语。

  a:i’m , from class 3 grade 6. 我是六(3)班的 。

  b:i’m , from class 3 grade 6,too. 我是六(3)班的 。

  ab: colourful english, colourful life.

  b: 七彩英语,七彩生活。

  happy time

  a:first, let’s begin with happy time.

  b:首先,为同学们带来的是happy time快乐时光!

  a:今天的快乐时光,我们为同学们带来了一则笑话i am sorry

  b:有一个人刻苦学习英语,终有小成。一日上街不小心与一个老外相撞了, 这个人连忙说:i am sorry.

  老外回答说:i am sorry, too.

  这个人听后又道:i am sorry three.

  老外不解,问:what are you sorry for?

  这人很无奈,道:i am sorry five.

  a:哈哈,太有趣了!i am sorry, too. 这里的too是 t-o-o,too,中文意思是“也”,而不是one, two ,three 的two.

  b:you’re right. 学习英语的时候我们可要特别注意这些同音异议词。

  daily english

  a: 对了, , 我想知道同学的电话号码,应该怎么问呢?

  b: oh,it’s easy. 这个简单。what’s your telephone number?

  a: what’s your telephone number?

  b: 回答是:it’s 85330555.

  a: it’s 85330555. oh, i see. thank you.

  b: 那我们再来复习一遍吧。what’s your telephone number?

  a: what’s your telephone number?

  b: it’s 85330555.

  a: it’s 85330555.


  a: 你可以问:what’s the time?

  b: what’s the time?a: it’s 2:10.

  b: it’s 2:10.

  a:其实,我们也可以这么问: what time is it?

  b: what time is it?

  a: it’s 10 past 2.

  b: it’s 10 past 2.


  b: what’s your telephone number?

  a: what’s your telephone number?

  b: it’s 85330555.

  a: it’s 85330555.

  b: what’s the time?

  a: what’s the time?

  b: it’s 2:10.

  a: it’s 2:10.

  b: what time is it?

  a: what time is it?

  b: it’s 10 past 2.

  a: it’s 10 past 2.

  b:every good!

  funny english

  a:now, it’s time for funny english.

  b: 今天的funny english 为同学们带来了一些含有动物单词的习语。


  b:对,现在让我来考考大家。he eats like a bird. 是什么意思呢?

  a:he eats like a bird. 啊,他吃得象鸟?

  b:哈哈,不对不对!he eats like a bird. 是说“他吃得很少”!

  a:哦,原来如此。那我也来考考你:she is always as busy as a bee. 是什么意思?

  b:bee 是蜜蜂。啊,我知道了,她总是忙忙碌碌的。

  a:对了,再问你一个难的。every dog has his day.

  b:every dog has his day. let me see. 让我想一想。sorry,i don’t know .

  a:every dog has his day. 这句话的意思是“凡人都有得意之日”!

  b:我还知道一个:he is a black sheep.


  b:哈哈,错啦。这里的black sheep 是一个贬义词。he is a black sheep.的意思是“他是个败家子”。


  b:i agree with you.

  charming music

  a:now, it’s time for charming music。接下来是魅力音乐时间。




  a:happy time always flies fast.快乐的时光总是短暂的。

  b: it’s time to say goodbye. and s o much for today’s colourful english. 今天的七彩英语到这里又要与大家说再见了。

  a:thank you for your listening. 感谢大家的收听。

  b:see you next monday. 让我们一起期待下周一的再会。goodbye!

  a:see you!


