
时间:2016-09-08 03:45:33
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Resignation Letter 1

Dear [Manager's Name],

I am writing to inform you that I have made the difficult decision to resign from my position at [Company Name], effective [last working day, typically two weeks from the date of the letter].

I want to express my gratitude for the opportunity to work at [Company Name] and for the support and guidance I have received during my time here. It has been an invaluable experience that I will always cherish.

However, after careful consideration, I have come to the conclusion that it is time for me to explore new opportunities and pursue different career goals. This decision was not made lightly, and I have taken into account the impact it may have on my colleagues and the company as a whole.

I would like to assure you that I will do everything in my power to ensure a smooth transition during this period. I am more than willing to assist in training my replacement and documenting any procedures or tasks that may be necessary for the role.

I hope you understand that this decision was not based on any negative experiences or dissatisfaction with my current role. I have truly enjoyed working with my team and have learned a great deal from each and every one of them.

I would like to extend my deepest appreciation to you and the entire team at [Company Name] for the support, guidance, and opportunities that have been given to me during my tenure here. I will always look back on my time at [Company Name] with fond memories.

Thank you once again for everything. I wish you and the company continued success in the future.


[Your Name]

Resignation Letter 2

Dear [Manager's Name],

I am writing to formally resign from my position at [Company Name], effective [last working day, typically two weeks from the date of the letter]. This decision has not been easy for me, but I believe it is the right choice for my personal and professional growth.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at [Company Name] and am grateful for the opportunities and experiences I have had here. The knowledge and skills I have gained during my tenure have been invaluable and will undoubtedly contribute to my future endeavors.

However, after much consideration and self-reflection, I have come to the realization that it is time for me to explore new challenges and opportunities. I feel that I have reached a point in my career where I need to take the next step and further develop my skills in a different environment.

I want to express my deep appreciation to you and the entire team at [Company Name] for your support, guidance, and mentorship throughout my time here. I have learned so much from each and every one of you, and I am truly grateful for the knowledge and experience I have gained.

I assure you that I will do everything in my power to ensure a smooth transition during this period. I am more than willing to assist in training my replacement and documenting any procedures or tasks that may be necessary for the role.

Thank you once again for the opportunities and experiences that have been provided to me during my time at [Company Name]. I am confident that I will carry the valuable skills and knowledge gained here into my future endeavors.

Wishing you and the entire team at [Company Name] continued success.


[Your Name]

简短英文辞职信 篇三



Dear Mr.

  Please accept my resignation as associate chemist at the GERT Institute. I plan to leave my job here on September 30, 19–, taking a few days of annual leave just prior to th

at effective date.

  As you know, my primary interest has been in the oil and gas industry. Therefore, I’ve accepted a position with Fury Refining, Inc., that should put me back in touch with my “first love.”

  Although I’m eager to accept the challenges in this new position, I regret leaving the institute. You and the organization as a whole have treated me very well over the past three years. I won’t forget the friendship and professional growth I’ve experienced as an employee here.

  Best wishes to all of you for years of expansion here.


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