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商务英语常用语 篇一


1. Greetings and Introductions(问候和介绍)

- Good morning/afternoon/evening.(早上/下午/晚上好。)

- How are you?(你好吗?)

- Nice to meet you.(很高兴见到你。)

- May I introduce myself?(我可以自我介绍吗?)

- This is Mr./Ms. X.(这位是X先生/女士。)

2. Making Appointments(预约)

- Can we set up a meeting?(我们可以安排一个会议吗?)

- What time works best for you?(什么时间对你来说最合适?)

- How about next Tuesday at 10am?(下周二上午10点怎么样?)

- I'll send you a calendar invite.(我会给你发送一个日历邀请。)

3. Negotiating(谈判)

- We would like to discuss the terms and conditions.(我们想讨论条款和条件。)

- We believe the price is too high.(我们认为价格太高。)

- Could you offer a discount?(你能提供折扣吗?)

- We are willing to compromise.(我们愿意妥协。)

4. Making Suggestions(提出建议)

- Have you considered...?(你考虑过……吗?)

- How about...?(……怎么样?)

- I suggest...(我建议……)

- Maybe we could try...(也许我们可以尝试……)

5. Closing a Deal(达成交易)

- We have reached an agreement.(我们达成了一项协议。)

- Let's finalize the details.(让我们敲定细节。)

- We're looking forward to working with you.(我们期待与您合作。)

- Thank you for your business.(感谢您的合作。)


商务英语常用语 篇二


1. Making Inquiries(询问)

- Could you please provide more information about...?(你能提供更多关于……的信息吗?)

- I would like to know if...(我想知道是否……)

- Can you tell me...?(你能告诉我……吗?)

- I am interested in...(我对……感兴趣。)

2. Giving Information(提供信息)

- According to our records...(根据我们的记录……)

- I can confirm that...(我可以确认……)

- The delivery will be made on...(交货将在……完成。)

- The price includes...(价格包括……)

3. Making Requests(提出请求)

- Could you please send me...?(你能给我寄……吗?)

- I would appreciate it if you could...(如果你能……,我会很感激。)

- Can you arrange for...?(你能安排……吗?)

- I would like to request...(我想请求……)

4. Apologizing(道歉)

- I apologize for the inconvenience.(对给您带来的不便表示歉意。)

- I'm sorry for the delay.(对延误表示抱歉。)

- We apologize for any misunderstanding.(对任何误解表示道歉。)

- We're sorry for the mistake.(对错误表示歉意。)

5. Expressing Gratitude(表达感激)

- Thank you for your prompt response.(感谢您的及时回复。)

- We appreciate your cooperation.(我们感谢您的合作。)

- Thank you for your attention to this matter.(感谢您对此事的关注。)

- We are grateful for your support.(我们感激您的支持。)


商务英语常用语 篇三

1. bright collor 亮领,成功职业人士

2. brochure
a. They provide free travel brochures
b. All holidays described in our brochure are advertised by us in good faith and every care is taken to ensure their accuracy.
3. broken lot 零星散股

4. broker
The broker will tell you which policy he or she thinks you should take out.
5. broker's commission
To deal in shares on the Internet incurs none of the regular broker's commission and investors can therefore easily afford to buy and sell shares more regularly.
6. brokerage fee
One reli

able way of managing investments is through a broker, who charges a brokerage fee in the form of a percentage of the money invested.

7. brokerage industry
The broderage industry is booming these few years.
8. brown goods
Manufacturers of brown goods have to face competition from Japan.

9. brunch
Brunch is a meal which you eat in the late morning.
10.bubble economy
During the ~ yeas of rapid growth in the late 1980s, some bureaucrats outrageously greedy.

bubble wrap
Thanks to the bubble wrap, these books arrived in pretty good shape

budget priced goods
Budget priced goods are low-priced goods.

buffet reception
Buffet receptions offer good chances for doing useful networking

Built-ins now include playstations, Internet access and televisions.

1. These grains were shipped in bulk.
2. They were able to buy in bulk and to sell at low margins.

The Internet is very flexible and allows companis to update their news bulletins very

bulletin board
America Online is home to hundreds of electronic bulletin boards.

Bulletin Board Systems (BBS)

here goes on...

1. bullet point “弹头“圆点,弹点,文件中用来导引各要点的园点符号,亦作bullet。
e.g. These points for discussion are indicated by bullet points.

2. bull market 牛市(通常指股市、汇市等金融市场价格持续上升或坚挺)
e.g. If the market is thought to be good and prices on the Stock Exchange are thought to be likely to rise, the market is called a bull market.

3. bundle 捆绑销售
e.g. The department is trying to stop Microsoft from forcing personal-computer makers to bundle its Internet browser software with every copy of Windows.

4. burglar alarm 电子防盗报警装置
e.g. The burglar alarm will make a loud ringing noise when someone tries to enter the building secretly and illegally.

5. burglar-proof padlock (U型)防盗锁
e.g. This is a manufacturer of burglar-proof padlock.

6. business 公司,企业
e.g. He set up several adverting consultancy business in the UK.

7. business class (飞机、车、船等的)公务舱,头等舱,亦作first class,与条件稍次、票价较低的economy class(经济舱)相对
e.g. The small airline has beaten the huge Royal Dutch KLM airline, and other national state air companies, to win the title of Europe's best usiness class service.

8. business class section 商务舱(座位)
e.g. The airline is to introduce a business class section.

9. business concept 经营理念
e.g. This business concept has proved over the years to be extremely popular with British and international tourists alike.

10. business district 商务地段,商务区(指写字楼、办公场所、银行、商店集中的区域或地段),亦作commercial district, commercial area, corporate business area
e.g. The hotel is only a five-minute walk from the business and shopping districts.

1. business executive 企业主管人员

2. business-format franchise 经营模式特许(店)
e.g. Business-format franchises are characterized by an ongoing business relationship between franchisor and franchisee that includes not only the product, service and trademark but the entire business concept itself.

3. business-format franchising 经营模式特许权(特许授予者向特许经营者提供一个完整的经营模式,其中包括商标的使用、提供销售的商品或服务,经营手法、品质控制、市场策划、选择经营地点及其他必要的服务等,较显著的例子是麦当劳餐厅)

4. business hours 营业时间、办公时间
e.g. Normal business hours are between 9 am and 5 pm.
正常营业时间是上午9点到下午5 点。

5. business improvement district 经济开发区,简称BID
e.g. Across the country, more than 1000 business improvement districts, or BID's, as they are known, have been set up in the last two decades, but their greatest impact has been in New York.

6. businesslike 有条不紊,高效率
e.g. She is usually prompt and businesslike.
You must take a more businesslike approach to your job.

7. business lounge (机场的)头等舱旅客候机室

8. business lunch 工作午餐。亦作business luncheon
e.g. I've had three business lunches/luncheons this week.

9. business magazine 经贸杂志
e.g. This is a prestigious business magazine.

10. business meeting 业务会议
e.g. Some business meeting are much too long.

1. business operation pattern 商业运作模式
e.g. The computer Internet is transforming business operation patterns and contributing to what is called the new information economy.

2. business overdraft 商业透支,业务透支(银行提供给客户的短期贷款,使客户可支取多于其在银行帐户的金额)
e.g. A business overdraft would be most suitable for short-term loans.

3. business partner 商业伙伴
e.g. We work for lasting relationship with our business partners.

4. business plan 经营计划(包括在一定时期提高销量、开发新产品,以及如何筹措资金、资源等)
e.g. The bank manager wants to see a business plan before agreeing to lend money.

5. business practice 经营方式
e.g. Changing business practice have encouraged companies to move to brand-new premises.

6. business process(ing) re-engineering 业务流程重组,简称BPR

7. business sense 商业头脑,经商能力
e.g. We need to employ someone with (a) good business sense and social skills.

8. business teams 企业管理团队
e.g. Today’s business teams take many forms and handle many tasks.

9. Business Telecard International 国际商务电话卡,简称BTI
e.g. You can use your Business Telecard International at any card phone in the UK.

10. business trip 公务旅行,出差
e.g. She’s gone to Paris on a business trip.
她出差到巴黎去了1. buyer's market (供过于求的)买方市场
e.g. An unusually good summer created a buyer's market in tomatoes.

When there is a buyer's market, the provision of a bond can be made an essential condition for the granting of the contract.

2. buy-out 全面收购(产权或股份等),全部买下市场产品
e.g. The buy-out seemed to benefit both companies, sending shares in both soaring around 15%.

3. by-product 副产品
e.g. Skimmed milk powder is a by-product of butter production.

4. cable license 有限电视许可证

5. cafeteria plan 自助餐式计划(员工可以从一系列的选项中做出选择)
e.g. Cafeteria plans are an innovative, new way for you to save tax dollars while receiving the best in fringe benefit plans.


