
时间:2011-06-05 07:40:16
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酒店总机常用英语口语对话 篇一


In the hospitality industry, effective communication is crucial for the smooth operation of a hotel. Hotel operators, especially those manning the front desk or the hotel switchboard, need to be well-versed in English to handle various guest inquiries and requests. This article will provide some common English dialogues that can be used in hotel switchboard conversations.

Dialogue 1:

Guest: Good morning. I would like to make a reservation for a room.

Operator: Good morning. Certainly, sir/madam. May I have your name, please?

Guest: My name is John Smith.

Operator: Thank you, Mr. Smith. When would you like to check in and check out?

Guest: I will be arriving on the 15th of July and checking out on the 20th of July.

Operator: Great. How many people will be staying in the room?

Guest: Just myself.

Operator: Alright, Mr. Smith. We have a single room available for those dates. Shall I go ahead and book it for you?

Guest: Yes, please.

Dialogue 2:

Guest: Good evening. I have a reservation under the name Sarah Johnson.

Operator: Good evening, Ms. Johnson. How may I assist you?

Guest: I have just arrived at the hotel, but I cannot find my room. Can you please guide me?

Operator: I apologize for the inconvenience, Ms. Johnson. Let me check your room number for you. It seems there was a mistake in our system. Your room is actually on the 8th floor, not the 7th floor as stated in the reservation. I will inform our staff to assist you with the relocation.

Guest: Thank you for your help.

Dialogue 3:

Guest: Good afternoon. I am having trouble with the air conditioning in my room. It's not working properly.

Operator: Good afternoon, sir/madam. I'm sorry to hear that. I will send our maintenance team to your room immediately to fix the issue. In the meantime, would you like us to provide a portable fan for you?

Guest: That would be great. Thank you.

Dialogue 4:

Guest: Hello. I would like to order room service for dinner.

Operator: Hello. Of course, sir/madam. May I have your room number, please?

Guest: My room number is 302.

Operator: Thank you. What would you like to order?

Guest: I would like a Caesar salad and a grilled salmon with mashed potatoes.

Operator: Noted. Your order will be delivered in approximately 30 minutes. Enjoy your meal!


These are just a few examples of common English dialogues that hotel switchboard operators may encounter. Mastering these phrases and being able to communicate effectively with guests is essential for providing excellent customer service. By practicing these dialogues, hotel operators can improve their English language skills and ensure a pleasant stay for guests.

酒店总机常用英语口语对话 篇三

一、 接听外线电话:
01、 电话铃响三声接起,中英文清晰报出酒店名称:
Good morning ,
02、 转接时,对来电方:
Hold on ,please !
03、 电话占线时:
Sorry , the line is busy .please call back later!
04、 转入电话无人接时:
There's no answer , Would you like to leave a message ?
A、 请问您找那位?
Who would you like to speak to ?
B、 对不起,没有这个姓名的客人。
Sorry , there's no guest with that name
C、 您能告诉我他是住客还是访客?
Excuse me for asking but is he a visitor or a hotel guest?
05、 内容没听清或不确定时:
A、 请您再说一遍好吗?
Would you like to repeat the number ?
B、 请您大声一点好吗:
Could you speak a little louder , please
C、 请说慢一点!
Could you speak slowly ,please?
I'm afraid you dial the wrong number . here is xx hotel operator;
08、 外线来电详细问询时:
I'll put you through to the information desk
09、 来电方需要留言:
A、 请告诉我您的留言内容;
Could you please give me the message , sir / madam?
B、 请放心,我一定将您的意思转达给X先生/小姐,谢谢您的来电,再见!
Thank you for calling , I 'll relay the message to Mr./Mrs.
01、 能告诉我您的姓名和房号吗?
May I have your name and your room number , please?
02、 您需要什么时间的叫醒?
Could you tell me what time would you like to get up ?
03、 我重复一遍您的房号和叫醒时间,好吗?
May I repeat your room number and the time , sir / madam ?
04、 早上好(中午、晚上好),先生/女士,这是您的叫醒电话,祝您过得愉快!
Good morning (afternoon , evening ), sir / madam ! this is your wake-up call ,
Have a good day to you (have a nice day )!

01、 内线电话免费。
There is no charge for in -house call

02、 您能直拨电话。
You can make a dial-direct call
03、 我们酒店设有国际直拨和国内直拨电话系统,如果您要拨打国际直拨电话,请您拨XXX,如果您要拨国内直拨电话,请拨XXX,如果您还有其它需要帮忙的,请打电话给我们,我们会尽力而为;
We have got DDD and IDD system in our hotel , if you want to make a DDD, you can dial xxx , and if you want to make a IDD , you ca

n dial XXX .if you have anything else, you can call us again , we will help you , sir / madam
04、 我会立刻为您查找,然后打电话给您;
I 'll check immediately and call you back in a moment
05、 请稍等一会儿好吗?我马上为您查找;
Would you mind waiting a minute , I'll check it for you right now
01、 您能告诉我您要拨打的电话是自付电话,受付电话或是信用卡付费电话吗?
Could you please tell me the form of payment , is it a pay call , collect call or credit card call , sir / madam ?
02、 请问这是自己付费还是对方付费电话?
Is this a paid call or collect call?
03、 您能告诉我电话的国家代码,地区代码和电话号码吗?
Could you please tell me country code , the area code and telephone number, sir /madam?
04、 您能告诉我您要打的是叫人电话还是叫号电话吗?
Could you please tell me what kind call would like : a person to person or station to station call , sir/madam?
05、 您能告诉我对方的电话吗?
Could you please tell me who are you want to speak ?
06、 能告诉我您的名字是怎么拼的吗?
Could you please spell your name ?


