
时间:2011-05-04 06:46:16
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国外婚礼誓言中英文对照 篇一

In this article, we will explore two different wedding vows commonly used in foreign countries. These vows express the love and commitment between the couple and are spoken during the wedding ceremony. Let's take a closer look at these heartfelt promises.

Wedding Vow 1:

English: "I promise to love, honor, and cherish you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will be faithful to you and support you in achieving your dreams. I will laugh with you, cry with you, and grow with you. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love from this day forward."

Translation: "我承诺在好时光和坏时光,健康和疾病中爱你、尊重你、珍惜你。我将忠实于你,并支持你实现梦想。我将与你一起笑,一起哭,一起成长。从今天起,我将把我的手、我的心和我的爱给你。"

This wedding vow emphasizes the couple's commitment to each other through all circumstances. It acknowledges the ups and downs of life and promises to stand by each other's side no matter what challenges they may face. The vow also highlights the importance of supporting each other's dreams and aspirations.

Wedding Vow 2:

English: "I take you to be my beloved, my partner in life, and my one true love. I promise to be there for you, to listen and understand, to comfort and encourage. I promise to respect and cherish you, to trust and be trustworthy. I will be honest and faithful, always and forever."

Translation: "我愿意将你视为我心爱的人,我的生活伴侣和我唯一的真爱。我承诺会在你身边,倾听和理解你,安慰和鼓励你。我承诺尊重和珍惜你,信任你并值得信赖。我将永远真诚和忠诚。"

This wedding vow focuses on the couple's deep love and commitment to each other. It promises to be there for one another, to provide comfort and support in times of need. The vow also highlights the importance of mutual respect, trust, and honesty in the relationship.

These wedding vows reflect the universal values of love, commitment, and support that are cherished by couples around the world. Whether spoken in English or translated into another language, these promises serve as a reminder of the couple's deep connection and their commitment to building a life together.

国外婚礼誓言中英文对照 篇二

In this article, we will explore two more wedding vows commonly used in foreign countries. These vows encapsulate the couple's promises to each other and serve as a declaration of their love and commitment. Let's delve into these beautiful words of devotion.

Wedding Vow 1:

English: "I promise to be your partner in all things, to love you unconditionally, and to support you in all your endeavors. I will share in your joys and sorrows, and together we will create a life filled with love and laughter. From this day forward, you will never be alone, for you have my heart and my soul."

Translation: "我承诺成为你的伴侣,在所有事情上无条件地爱你,并支持你的所有努力。我将分享你的喜怒哀乐,我们将一起创造一个充满爱和笑声的生活。从今天起,你永远不会孤单,因为你拥有我的心和灵魂。"

This wedding vow emphasizes the couple's partnership and unwavering support for each other. It promises to be there in both the good and bad times, and to create a life of love and joy together. The vow also signifies the deep connection between their hearts and souls.

Wedding Vow 2:

English: "Today, I choose you to be my spouse, my partner, and my best friend. I promise to love you fiercely, to stand by you through thick and thin, and to always strive to make you happy. I promise to be patient, understanding, and forgiving. With you, I have found my home and my forever."

Translation: "今天,我选择你成为我的配偶,我的伴侣和我最好的朋友。我承诺会热烈地爱你,在顺境和逆境中都会支持你,并且永远努力让你快乐。我承诺会耐心、理解和宽容。有了你,我找到了我的家和永远。"

This wedding vow highlights the choice to commit to each other and the promise to be there through all circumstances. It emphasizes the importance of happiness and understanding in the relationship. The vow also signifies the sense of belonging and foreverness that the couple has found in each other.

These wedding vows capture the essence of love, partnership, and devotion that are celebrated in weddings around the world. Whether spoken in English or translated into another language, these promises serve as a testament to the couple's commitment to building a life filled with love and happiness.

国外婚礼誓言中英文对照 篇三

I, [Groom's name], take you [Bride's name], to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love.
I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever.
I will trust you and honor you
I will laugh with you and cry with you.
I will love you faithfully
Through the best and the worst,
Through the difficult and the easy.
What may come I will always be there.
As I have given you my hand to hold
So I give you my life to keep
So help me God

所以请帮助我 我的主。

I, [Bride's name], take you [Groom's name], to be my husband, my partner in life and my one true love.
I will cherish our friendship and love you t

tomorrow, and forever
I will trust you and honor you
I will laugh with you and cry with you.
I will love you faithfully
Through the best and the worst,
Through the difficult and the easy.
What may come I will always be there.
As I have given you my hand to hold
So I give you my life to keep
So help me God

所以请帮助我 我的主。

Entreat me not to leave you, or to return from following after you,
For where you go I will go,
and where you stay I will stay
Your people will be my people,
and your God will be my God.
And where you die, I will die and there I will be buried.
May the Lord do with me and more if anything but death parts you from me.



