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九年级上作业本英语答案浙教版 篇一

In the first term of ninth grade, students using the Zhejiang Education Edition English workbook will cover a range of topics and skills. One such topic is "The Environment". In this unit, students will learn about the importance of protecting the environment and different ways in which they can contribute to this cause.

The unit begins with an introduction to the topic, where students are presented with a reading passage about the current state of the environment and the impact of human activities on it. Students are then required to answer comprehension questions based on the text.

Following the introduction, students move on to vocabulary exercises. They are given a list of words related to the environment and are asked to match these words to their definitions. This helps students build their understanding of key vocabulary related to the topic.

Next, students are given a grammar exercise where they have to complete sentences using the correct form of the verb. This exercise focuses on the use of verb tenses and helps students practice expressing actions related to the environment.

In the writing section of the unit, students are asked to write a short paragraph about what they can do to help protect the environment. They are encouraged to use the vocabulary and grammar they have learned in the previous exercises.

The unit concludes with a listening activity. Students are provided with a dialogue between two people discussing ways to reduce waste. They are required to listen carefully and answer questions based on the dialogue.

Overall, the "Environment" unit in the Zhejiang Education Edition English workbook for ninth grade provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the importance of protecting the environment and equips them with the necessary vocabulary, grammar, and listening skills to contribute to this cause.

九年级上作业本英语答案浙教版 篇二

In the second term of ninth grade, students using the Zhejiang Education Edition English workbook will focus on the theme of "Travel". This unit aims to develop students' reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills while expanding their knowledge about different travel destinations and experiences.

The unit begins with a reading passage about famous tourist attractions around the world. Students are required to read the passage and answer comprehension questions based on it. This activity helps students practice their reading skills and learn about different travel destinations.

Following the reading activity, students move on to a vocabulary exercise where they have to match words and phrases related to travel with their definitions. This helps students build their travel-related vocabulary and improve their understanding of key terms.

In the grammar section of the unit, students are introduced to the use of comparative and superlative adjectives to describe travel experiences. They are provided with examples and then asked to complete sentences using the correct comparative or superlative form of the given adjectives.

The writing section of the unit focuses on writing a travel blog. Students are given a prompt and are asked to write a blog post about their dream travel destination. They are encouraged to use the vocabulary and grammar they have learned in the previous exercises to describe their chosen destination in detail.

The unit concludes with a listening activity. Students are provided with a dialogue between two travelers discussing their travel experiences. They are required to listen carefully and answer questions based on the dialogue. This activity helps students practice their listening skills and learn about different travel experiences.

Overall, the "Travel" unit in the Zhejiang Education Edition English workbook for ninth grade provides students with an opportunity to explore different travel destinations, develop their language skills, and enhance their cultural knowledge.

九年级上作业本英语答案浙教版 篇三

Module 1 Unit 1 1 I. 1.the Terracotta Army 2.Victoria Falls 3.the Three Gorges Dam 4.The Giant’s Causeway 5.The Great Wall II. 1.natural 2.eastern 3.ancient 4.modern 5.millions of 6.Though III.discussion,man-made,more than,agree with,long, electricity,opinion,wide,loud,have seen\visited 2 I.1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C II.1.opinion,natural,more interesting 2.sure,am going to 3.largest\hugest,have, seen 4.long,high,wide 5.produces electricity,millions of Unit 2 1 I. 1.natural 2.ancient 3.beside 4.reply 5.huge 6.stranger 7.silent 8.appear 9.remain 10.sign II.1.shone 2.fell away 3.silver 4.sky,nearly 5.grey III.1.Thousands of people visit Hangzhou every year. 2.My brother is washing his car in the garden now. 3.I will send you an email tomorrow. 4.When I arrived home,my mother was cooking. 5.Amy has read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer several times. 2 I. 1.appeared 2.natural 3.below 4.rises 5.ancient II.1.of,through,along\on 2.behind,on 3.by,for 4.On,of,of 5.At,of III.1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.A Background information:世界峰珠穆朗玛峰 Unit 3 I. 1.fall away 2.on (the)top of 3.look over 4.at the bottom of 5.go through 6.natural wonder(s) II.1.has seen 2.was reading 3.am talking 4.arrives 5.left 6.has gone to III.famous,lies,faces,climb,called,successful,However IV.1.One possible version:The Great Wall;In North China;About 21,200 kilometers long,6--7 meters high and 4--5 meters wide;Was built over 2,000 years ago;One of the biggest man-made wonders 2.One possible version: Last September,I went to the Great Wall with my classmates.We started at 7:00 am.After two hours,my legs were so tired that I wanted to stop.My friend told me,“He who doesn’t reach the Great Wall is not a true man.”So I went on.Finally,I got to the top!I felt very excited. The Great Wall is one of the biggest man-made wonders.It’s in North China.It was built over 2,000 years ago.It is about 21,200 kilometers long,6--7 meters high and 4--5 meters wide.I really like it and I’m sure I’ll visit it again. Module 2 Unit 1 1 I.1.B 2.C 3.A 4.F 5.D 6. E II.1.flags,off 2.activities,great fun 3.celebrate,picnic 4.founded,band(s) 5.As soon as,vacation\holiday III.1.I am going to visit my friends while they are staying at home on Sunday. 2.My mother didn’t go to bed until I came back home. 3.I go to play basketball every day after I finish my homework. 4.We must wash our hands before we have dinner. 5.I have learnt a lot about public holidays since I joined the English Club last month. 2 I.1.G 2.H 3.I 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.E 8.D 9.F II.略 III.since,founded,flags,on,off,activities,vacation,celebrate Unit 2 1 I.first,second,third,fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth,tenth,twelfth, twentieth II.1.Thanksgiving Day 2.Spring Festival 3.Christmas Day 4.Mid-Autumn Festival III.1.the fourth Thursday in November 2.how to grow corn;eating a dinner of the new food 3.lay the table,and give thanks for the food;talk a lot and tell stories as well 1 4.watch the parade,start shopping for presents and watch the games on television 5.People give thanks for the food\People give thanks for the people who help them Background information:林肯(Lincoln) 2 I.1.speech 2.dishes 3.twelfth 4.all kinds of 5.ourselves 6.Ever since II. 1.the April Fool 2.carnivals 3.newspapers 4.February 5.Venice Unit 3 I.1.while 2.until 3.when 4.as soon as 5.before II.1.public holiday,depends on,at different times,look for,comes from,have a big meal,enjoy themselves III.1.One possible version:Halloween;31st October;Western countries;To have fun;Children dress up in costumes and go from door to door asking for candy,decorate their houses,make lanterns from pumpkins 2.One possible version: Halloween is on 31st October.Children really love this day.In many Western countries,children dress up in costumes and go from door to door asking for candy.They always say “trick or treat.”People also like to decorate their houses and yards on Halloween.You will often see Jack-O’-Lanterns.People make these special lanterns from pumpkins.Usually they carve a scary or funny face on the pumpkin.People usually enjoy themselves on that day. Module 3 Unit 1 1 I. 1.including 2.simply 3.victory 4.will 5.whatever 6.attend 7.medal II.1.including 2.attend 3.will 4.medals 5.victory 6.simply 7.Whatever III.because,when,age,abroad,gave up,amazing\great,stopped,became, hero 2 I. 1.gold medal 2.once again 3.a strong will 4.give up 5.study abroad 6.博士学位 7.也 8.打乒乓球 II.1.doctor’s degree 2.playing table tennis,a strong will,gives up 3.gold medal 4.study abroad 5.once again 6.as well as III.1.took part in a surfing competition and was seriously hurt;practise playing the guitar and write songs;first music album came out 2.Whatever happens in our lives,we have to accept it and do the best we can. Unit 2 1 I. 1.Canada 2.war 3.wounded solider 4.hospital 5.operation 6.medical tool(s) II.1.in order to 2.realised 3.invented 4.medical 5. dying 6.treating III.1.My parents got up early this morning so that they could catch the first train to Beijing. 2.They gave some money to the Project Hope so that more poor children could return to school. 3.She read the instructions carefully so that she could use the new machine in a right way. 4.One possible version:because it is cold outside 5.One possible version:because I didn’t study hard enough 6.One possible version:because she stayed up late last night 2 I.1.famous 2.invented 3.medical 4War 5.resting 6.care II.1.for 2.without 3.of 4.on 5.in 6.about III.One possible version: Qian Xuesen is one of the greatest scientists in China.He was born in Shanghai in 1911.He studied in MIT in 1935 and got his doctor’s degree in 1939.He opened up a new field of high temperature and high pressure in physics in 1953.He couldn’t return to China until 1955.With Qian Xuesen’s great help,in 1961,the first H-bomb was successfully tested.In 1964,the first atomic bomb was explored and the first artificial satellite was launched in 1970 as well.Because of his great contribution,he is honoured as “Father of Missile in China”.In 2009,Qian Xuesen died in Beijing. His work for Chinese people made him a hero,and he will be remembered in China forever. Unit 3 I.1.so 2.because 3.so that 4.because 5.so that II.at the age of,first,success,Although,spends,give up III.One possible version: Hero has two different and common meanings.One is “a person who is respected by many people for doing something brave or good”.The other is III.1.touching things 2.a glass ball 3.Don’t touch “a person who you admire because of a particular quality of skill that he 4.close your eyes has”.In my opinion,a hero is somebody who I respect.He is brave and 2 I.upstairs,exhibitions,across,tools,photos hard-working.He is successful in his job.He has achieved a lot with his II.visited,noisy,happily,wonderful,experiments,wheels,entry,quietly, efforts.In a word,he has enough reasons for me to admire him.So,Dr shapes,unusual Bethune and Helen Keller are both heroes,and so are Jackie Chan and Jay Unit 3 Chou. I.1.experiments 2.travel 3.compare 4.Entry 5.Between 6.smoking Background information:别样的英雄 (A Special Kind of Hero) Module 4 Unit 1 1 I.1.miss 2.shut 3.passengers 4.address 5.simple 6.rang 7.locked 8.anybody\anyone II.1.Although I was left alone at home,I didn’t feel lonely.\I was left alone at home,but I didn’t feel lonely. 2.Tina got up early so that she wouldn’t be late for school. 3.Although vegetables are healthy,she doesn’t like them.\Vegetables are healthy,but she doesn’t like them. Our School Trip to the Military Museum of the Chinese People’s 4.David works so hard that he always does well in his lessons. Revolution III.略 I had an interesting experience in the military Museum of the Chinese 2 I.1.E 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C People’s revolution.It’s one of the most popular museums in II.a couple of,two weeks of school,be careful with,make sure,plenty Beijing.Thousands of people visit it every year. of,wake up I went there with my teachers and my classmates.We met in the school III.略 playground at half past eight and went there by bus.We saw many weapons Unit 2 from different times and different places.But we couldn’t shout or run 1 I.1.be bored with 2.leave me alone 3.be worried about 4.as soon there.And we couldn’t take photos or touch the exhibitions as 5.hand in 6.feel lonely 7.all day long 8.make sure there,either.Everybody must obey the rules. II.1.C 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.C The school trip was wonderful.We learned a lot about the war and III.1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T history. 2 I.1.for 2.about 3.in 4.with 5.off 6.without 7.until 8.like Module 6 II.1.as soon as 2.was worried about 3.Leave me alone Unit 1 4.telling jokes 5.be bored with 1 I. 1.deal 2.fail 3.volunteer 4.community 5.knowledge III.1.A 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.D 7.D 8.D 9.C 10.C 11.C 12.C 13.B 14.A 6.consider 7.instrument 8.point II.1.musical 2.worried,playing 3.failed 4.suggestion 5.to be Unit 3 6.to look up I.1.shut 2.unhappily 3.rang 4.passengers 5.woke 6.burning III.1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.E II.1.Because it’s psychic,it’s the age,it’s chemical. 2 I.1.deal 2.guitar 3.exam 4.community 5.word 6.shame 2.To buy a hat,buy a coat or pet,or take up dancing. 7.point 8.habit 3.Your sadness,your shadow,whatever it was done to you. II.1.a shame 2.If you 3.don’t,pass 4.Although 5.instead of III.One possible version: III.略 I still remember the days when my parents were on business in Unit 2 another city. 1 I.1.tell the truth 2.computer engineer 3.honest boy 4.apologise for I felt overjoyed for a while.Nobody would keep telling me to do my 5.no longer 6.pay the bill 7.go wrong 8.repair the bicycle homework or stay away from the TV.But later I started to come across the problems.I knew little about cooking.So I had to go downstairs to buy some take-away food.After three meals I started to miss those dishes cooked by Mum.Two days later,I got tired of being home alone.How I miss my dearest father and mother! Being home alone is not as good as you imagined. Background information:小鬼当家 (Home Alone) Module 5 Unit 1 1 I.1.D 2.F 3.H 4.A 5.C 6.G 7.B 8.E II.1.against the rules 2.missing 3.closed 4.Keep quiet 5.No entry 6.in trouble 7.went downstairs\has gone downstairs 8.No wonder II.1.D 2.C 3.B 4.E 5.A III.略 III.One possible version: 2 I.1.against 2.upstairs 3.punish 4.tail 5.exhibition 6.wonder Dear Diana, 7.rope 8.guards Last week,we had a science exam.I got A.I beat some of the top II.1.Keep quiet in the library.\No shouting in the library. students and got the first place.My teacher was proud of me.He asked me 2.No littering.\Don’t drop litter. to help some students with their science after class.But I feel 3.No entry.\ Don’t go in. terrible,because I copied some of my classmates’ answers.Should I tell my 4.Don’t touch it.\No touching. teacher the truth? 5.No parking here.\Don’t park your car here. Yours, 6.Obey the school rules. George III.the concert,take my pet dog\cat,keep your mobile phone off,bring any Unit 3 food or drinks,will have to leave I.1.at least 2.was angry with 3.take off 4.came round Unit 2 5.pocket money 6.try out 7.last word 8.instead of 1 I.1.compare 2.Communications 3.different 4.to dig 5.filled II.略 6.ages III.One possible version: II.1.If you buy a new camera,get a good one. 1.Lingling may tell her parents that she needs to relax after studying for a 2.If you ever go to Hangzhou,make sure you visit the West Lake. long time or ask one of her teachers for help. \Make sure you visit the West Lake if you ever go to Hangzhou. 2.Jim can talk to his teacher and ask him\her what he should do to get a 3.If it rains tomorrow,let’s stay at home playing the piano. better grade.He can also talk to his classmates who do well in French. 4.If you get the picture,please do it again. 3.Susan should tell her dad about her dream and that if she works really 5.Don’t keep your socks on if they get wet. 2 hard,it might happen even though she started late.She should tell him that his support is very important to her to make her dream come true. 4.Peter needn’t worry too much because teenagers grow at different times.He should plan meals with his mother.Also,he had better take more exercise. Exercises for Revision module A I.1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A II.1.C 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.A III.10 am,8 pm,movie,show,hill,postcards,60,30 IV.1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.D 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.C V. 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.A 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.D VI.1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.C VII. 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.E VIII.1.necessary 2.abroad 3.upstairs 4.truth 5.twentieth 6.opinion 7.among 8.seasons 9.tidy 10.millions IX.1.medals 2.worried about 3.handed in 4.energy 5.himself X.One possible version: Hello!Tony, I’m glad to hear from you. I used to have the same problem.Cheer up!I’d like to give you some advice. First,stop watching TV and go to bed earlier.Watching TV too much is bad not only for your eyes but also for your study.Second,you’d better get up on time and have breakfast.Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.Finally,you should understand your parents.All parents love their children.If you listen to them,I’m sure you will become healthier and won’t often feel tired. I think it’s important for everyone to keep healthy and good living habits. I hope what I said can help you. Yours, Li Jun Listening materials: I.Listen and choose the right pictures. 1. W:What do you want to do in the future,John? M:I want to be an engineer like my father. 2.W:Where would you like to go for your vacation? M:I’d like to go to the USA.It’s my favourite country. 3.W:You mustn’t go up there!Look at the sign---“No entry”. M:Oh.It’s closed. 4.W:Hey,Robert!Why are you so happy? M:I did very well in my Chinese exam yesterday. 5.W:Dad,can you help me?The computer doesn’t work! M:Sure,I’m coming! II.Listen and choose the best answers. Conversation 1 W:How long have you been in this school,Mr Zhao? M:I have been teaching here for six years. W:How old were you when you came here? M:I was 26 at that time W:What do you like doing in your free time? M:Travelling.I can meet different people,eat different food and enjoy beautiful scenes.So far I’ve been to more than ten countries. W:Cool!I hope I can go travelling around the world some day. Conversation 2 M:Hey,Mary,how about your holiday in Hainan? W:Oh,it was fantastic.The sea was blue and the beach was beautiful. Many people were relaxing there. M:Did you swim? W:Well,that was the most terrible thing.I caught a cold those days.My parents didn’t allow me to swim. M:It was a pity.I would like to go to the beach next week. M:Have a good time! III.Listen and complete the form. M:Hello,this is Ocean Park. W:Hello.I’d like to ask for some information. M:Yes?About what? W:When does it open? M:We are open every day,from 10 am to 8 pm. W:OK,thanks.Are there any shows for children to watch? M:Yes,every morning at 10 o’clock there is a short movie about the sea. It talks about different animals in the sea. W:Is there a dolphin show?My kids love dolphins a lot. 3 M:Yes.The dolphin s

how begins at 2 pm. W:Is there a place where we can have lunch? M:Yes,there is a restaurant and cafe near the hill,where you can buy drinks and snacks.By the way,there is also a shop selling toys and postcards.Children love this place. W:How much is the ticket? M:60 dollars for adults and 30 dollars for kids. W:Thanks a lot for the information. M:You’re welcome.Have fun! Module 7 Unit 1 1 I.1.be well-known 2.join an Internet group 3.write a review 4.by the way 5.a wise man 6.in the nineteenth century 7.great writers 8.make a lot of sense II.join an Internet group,great writers,write a review,wise man, make a lot of sense\are well-known,in the nineteenth century III.1.C 2.D 3.E 4.B 5.A IV.1.senses;Shakespeare’s plays make a lot of sense to us today. 2.influence;We are still influenced by Confucius’s ideas. 3.well-known;I suppose he is not as well-known as Shakespeare. 4.are;One of his books is my favourite,The Adventure of Tom Sawyer. 5.join;Why don’t you join the discussion and tell us about it? 2 I.1.influenced 2.accept 3.discuss 4.sense 5.suppose 6.well-known 7.review 8.thinker II.1.D 2.A 3.E 4.B 5.C 6.F Unit 2 1 I.1.treasure 2.funeral 3.neighbours 4.lively 5.surprised 6.southern II.1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C III.1.Because reading on digital devices makes them feel uncomfortable. 2.No one 3.It means “信赖的”in Chinese. 4.略 2 I.1.named 2.southern 3.is set 4.nineteenth 5.thought II.1.The American author E.B.White wrote it 2.It was published in 1952. 3.He goes back to his own planet. 4.略 Unit 3 I.1.made sense 2.for a time 3.get into trouble 4.by the way 5.pay for 6.ran away II.1.The classroom will be cleaned tomorrow. 2.A new bike was bought for me yesterday. 3.The paper must be handed in after class. 4.A talk will be given by the professor very soon. 5.He was made to do the heavy work yesterday. III.One possible version: My favourite book is The Little Prince.It was written by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. The book is about a little prince’s adventure in the universe.He finds people there less imaginative and indifferent to everything.He sees different people in society:the King,the drunkard and the businessman.Their hearts are filled with vanity.He also discovers that the people are never satisfied with their lives.They always pursue their happiness,but never get it. “It is only with the heart one can see rightly,what is essentially invisible to the eye.”I think it’s true.We do not lack beauty,but lack the eye to see it. Background information:4月23日(April 23th) Module 8 Unit 1 1 I.1.ping-pong\table tennis 2.tennis 3.basketball 4.swimming 5.volleyball 6.football II.1.training 2.decisions 3.kicking 4.sportsmen 5.score 6.against 7.ability 8.memory 9.mad 10.fair III.1.B 2.C 3.E 4.D 5.A 2 I.1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.F 6.E II.1.season 2.stand for 3.training 4.won 5.play against 6.chosen 7.was mad at III.1B 2.A 3.C IV.1.They will be invited to play in the Olympic Games. 2.You will not be allowed to join us. 3.The school sports meeting will be held next year. 4.We will be understood with time going on. Unit 2 1 I.1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B II.1.be set up 2.ability in hurdling 3.records were broken 4.teaching methods 5.gold medals 2 I.1.Is,encouraged 2.won’t be given up 3.Was,missed 4.was noticed II.1.will start 2.Compared 3.were broken 4.are,asked 5.be sent III.1.She won the 1,500-meters gold medal at the Sochi Winter Olympics. 2.Because some people criticized her and she was afraid to make mistakes when talking. 3.Because the whole team supported her,and her coach has never given up on her.But most importantly,she still had the dream to win. 4.The hardest thing in life is to win yourself. Unit 3 I.players,was born,training,was noticed,won,was named II.1.The school was set up(by him)to help those poor students. 2.The record of the 110-meter hurdles race was broken by Liu Xiang. 3.He was stopped (by them)smoking in the hospital. 4.My dog was taken care of (by her)when I was away. 5.The strange man was noticed (by the police)when he appeared. III.One possible version: Liu Xiang is a famous sportsman in China.In 2004,he was chosen for the Chinese team at the Athens Olympics Games and won a gold medal.In Liu Xiang’s sports life,there’s an important person,his coach,Sun Haiping.At first,Liu Xiang was encouraged to train for the high jump,but his ability in hurdling was noticed by Sun.After lots of hard training,Liu Xiang won many gold medals.Although Liu Xiang couldn’t attend the 2012 London Olympics Games because of his foot problem,he is still the symbol of courage and success! Module 9 Unit 1 1 I.1.A 2.C 3.B II.1.borrow 2.website\websites 3.Electronic 4.pages 5.lend 6.photos\pictures 7.full 8.mail III.1.Boos will not often be used in the future. 2.Chinese will be spoken all over the world. 3.An umbrella will be brought on rainy days. 4.Lights will be turned off after school. 2 I.1.put up 2.powerful 3.instructions 4.mainl

