
时间:2011-05-02 03:47:37
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两人简短英文搞笑对话 篇一

Title: The Misadventures of Bob and Jack

Bob: Hey Jack, have you ever tried eating a clock?

Jack: No, why would I do that? It sounds ridiculous!

Bob: Well, it's very time-consuming!

Jack: (rolls eyes) That's a terrible joke, Bob.

Bob: (laughs) I know, but it tickles my funny bone!

Jack: Oh boy, here we go with the puns again.

Bob: Speaking of time, did you hear about the guy who invented the clock?

Jack: No, what happened?

Bob: Well, it's about time he got recognized for his efforts!

Jack: (laughs) That's actually not bad. But seriously, Bob, we need to find a hobby.

Bob: You're right, Jack. Something fun and exciting!

Jack: How about skydiving?

Bob: Are you out of your mind? I'm afraid of heights!

Jack: Okay, how about scuba diving then?

Bob: Nope, I'm terrified of water too.

Jack: Wow, Bob, you really do have a lot of fears.

Bob: Yeah, I guess I'm just afraid of everything except commitment.

Jack: (laughs) Well, at least you're not afraid of a serious relationship!

Bob: That's true! But speaking of relationships, did you hear about the couple who broke up at the coffee shop?

Jack: No, what happened?

Bob: It was grounds for separation!

Jack: (laughs) Alright, that one was actually pretty good.

Bob: Thanks, Jack. I try to brew up some good jokes every now and then.

Jack: Well, keep them coming, Bob. Laughter is the best medicine!

Bob: You're right, Jack. Let's keep spreading the laughter and brightening people's days.

Jack: Absolutely, Bob. The world needs more smiles!

两人简短英文搞笑对话 篇二

Title: The Never-Ending Quest for the Perfect Pizza

Bob: Jack, I've been on a quest for the perfect pizza!

Jack: Oh, really? And have you found it yet?

Bob: Not yet, but I've eaten so much pizza that I'm starting to feel cheesy!

Jack: (laughs) That's dedication, Bob. But don't you think it's time to take a break?

Bob: I can't stop now, Jack! I'm on a roll!

Jack: Well, just don't roll too far. We don't want you getting stuck in the dough!

Bob: (laughs) Don't worry, Jack. I'll keep an eye out for any pizza pitfalls.

Jack: Speaking of pizza, have you ever tried pineapple on your pizza?

Bob: Pineapple on pizza? That's a crime against humanity!

Jack: Oh, come on, Bob. Don't be so dramatic. It's just a topping!

Bob: Just a topping? It's an abomination! Fruit and pizza should never mix!

Jack: Well, I happen to enjoy the sweet and savory combination. To each their own!

Bob: Fair enough, Jack. But I'll stick to my classic pepperoni and cheese.

Jack: Suit yourself, Bob. More pineapple for me!

Bob: So, Jack, what's your favorite pizza joke?

Jack: Hmm, let me think. Oh, I've got one! Why did the pizza go to the party?

Bob: I don't know, why?

Jack: Because it was ready to partayyy!

Bob: (laughs) That's a good one, Jack. Pizza jokes always deliver!

Jack: Thanks, Bob. I guess you could say they're quite saucy!

Bob: (laughs) Alright, Jack. Let's wrap up this pizza talk before we both get too hungry.

Jack: Good idea, Bob. Let's go find that perfect pizza together!

Bob: Sounds like a plan, Jack. Pizza quest, here we come!

两人简短英文搞笑对话 篇三

  Leonard is preparing for his date, a little nervous.


  Leonard: How do I look?


  Sheldon: Could you be more specific?


  Leonard: Can you tell I'm perspiring a little?


  Sheldon: No. The dark crescent-shaped patterns under your arms conceal it nicely.What time is your date?


  Leonard: 6:30.


  Sheldon: Perfect. That gives you two hours and 15 minutes for that dense molecular cloud of aromas to dissipate.


  Leonard: Is it too much?


  Sheldon: Not if you're a rugby team.


两人简短英文搞笑对话 篇四

  Son: Mum ,if someone broke your best. vase what would you do?


  Mum: I'd spank him and send him to bed without any supper!


  Son: Well,you' d better get the slipper. Dad's just broken it !


两人简短英文搞笑对话 篇五

  A Hi Bob, are you all right? You look quite disturbed to me.

  B Well, I'm all right I guess.it's just that..

  A Don't worry, you can tell me what's going on, maybe I can help you out.

  B Well, I just broke up with my girlfriend.

  A Really? I'm sorry to hear that. So how come you broke up with her?

  B You see, she wanted to stay with me all the time, but I have my own work.

  A An, that's so sad to hear. May be she just hope you to company her.

  B But

I'm really very busy.

  A Ok.Maybe it is beneficial for you.

  B What is you meaning?

  A Do not worry! In fact, that girl don not understand you is not Suitable for you.After all, they are girls. They can not understand the world of boys.Comparing with them, boys can understand your world better. And they will not badger with you. So you will have your own time to Pay attention to those you love. So why not get aboyfriend.

  B E….. That sounds great. Maybe you are right. Since that, why not we be together.

  A yeh…. that is also my idea.

两人简短英文搞笑对话 篇六

  男:Hello, I’m Ben. May I ask you some questions?


  男:What is your father’s name?


  男:Then, What is your mother’s name?


  男:Are you joking?

  女:No! That’s my sister! I am Kidding. By the way, are you a census staff?

  男:Of course not.

  女:Go ahead.

  男:OK. Your name is Kidding. Kidding, I'm going to start a

  band. Will you join us?

  女:Sure, Ben. I'd love to be in a band

  男:OK, good. Which instrument do you play? I heard that you

  can play piano very well.

  女:Piano? I don't play an instrument actually.

  男:What are you good at?

  女:I sing. I like music with great lyrics.

  男: So do I. Who else do you think can join us?

  女:Well, Dave is supposed to be a good one.

  男:Really? What does he like?

  女:He prefers quiet music.

  男:Good. How about Harry? He plays the guitar, doesn’t he?

  女:Yes, but Harry loves loud music such as disco .

  男:That's OK. I often go to disco with my friends.

  女:You mean we can play both loud music and quiet music?

  男:Why not?

  女:What kind of music style do you prefer, Ben?

  男:Oh, I like music that I can dance to.

  But we have one problem with our band

  女:what is it?

  男:I'm not a musician and I can't sing.

  女:Are you joking?

  男:No, that’s your sister’s name. Just now I was kidding.

  女:Well, that makes sense!


