初中生英语作文评语素材集锦大全 篇一
标题:My Favorite Hobby
My favorite hobby is reading. Reading not only helps me relax, but also broadens my knowledge. I enjoy exploring different genres, such as mystery, science fiction, and historical fiction.
First of all, reading allows me to escape from the real world and enter into a different universe. When I immerse myself in a good book, I forget about my worries and troubles. It is like taking a mini vacation without leaving my room. I can travel to different countries, meet interesting characters, and experience thrilling adventures.
Furthermore, reading helps me develop my imagination and creativity. Through descriptive language and vivid imagery, authors paint a picture in my mind that is unique to each reader. I can visualize the settings, characters, and events, which enhances my overall reading experience. This helps me become a more imaginative person and enables me to think outside the box.
In addition, reading exposes me to various cultures and perspectives. I can learn about different time periods, traditions, and customs through historical novels and biographies. This widens my understanding of the world and allows me to appreciate diverse viewpoints. It also helps me become more empathetic and open-minded.
Finally, reading improves my language skills. As I read, I encounter new vocabulary and sentence structures. This helps me expand my vocabulary and improve my grammar. I also learn how to write better by observing the writing styles and techniques of different authors. Reading is like a language immersion program, where I can learn new words and phrases in a natural and enjoyable way.
In conclusion, reading is my favorite hobby because it allows me to escape reality, stimulates my imagination, exposes me to different cultures, and improves my language skills. I believe that reading is not only a source of entertainment, but also a valuable tool for personal growth and development.
初中生英语作文评语素材集锦大全 篇二
标题:The Importance of Sports
Sports play a significant role in the lives of young people. Engaging in sports not only promotes physical health, but also fosters important life skills and values.
Firstly, participating in sports helps students maintain a healthy lifestyle. Regular physical activity can prevent obesity and improve overall fitness. It strengthens the cardiovascular system, builds muscle strength, and enhances flexibility. Sports also promote mental well-being, as they release endorphins and reduce stress levels. By participating in sports, students can develop healthy habits that will benefit them throughout their lives.
Furthermore, sports teach valuable life skills such as teamwork, discipline, and perseverance. In team sports, students learn to work together towards a common goal. They learn to communicate effectively, respect others' opinions, and compromise when necessary. They also learn the importance of discipline and hard work. Sports require practice, dedication, and determination. Through sports, students develop a strong work ethic and the ability to overcome challenges.
In addition, sports help students develop important values such as sportsmanship and fair play. They learn to respect their opponents, follow the rules, and accept both victory and defeat gracefully. Sports provide opportunities for students to demonstrate integrity, honesty, and respect for others. These values are transferable to other areas of life, such as academics and relationships.
Finally, sports provide a sense of belonging and community. Students who participate in sports often form strong bonds with their teammates. They learn to trust and support each other, and develop lifelong friendships. Sports also foster a sense of school spirit and pride. Representing their school in competitions creates a sense of unity and camaraderie among students.
In conclusion, sports are not only important for physical health, but also for the development of important life skills and values. Engaging in sports promotes a healthy lifestyle, teaches teamwork and discipline, instills values such as sportsmanship, and fosters a sense of belonging and community. Therefore, it is crucial for young people to participate in sports for their overall well-being and personal growth.
初中生英语作文评语素材集锦大全 篇三
不仅有利于提高学生的英语书面交际能力,而且有利于促进师生的知识、思想和情感的交流,还有利于提高学生自主学习的积极性。下面笔者就如何写英语评语的问题,谈一点看法和体会。1.适应性首先,给学生写作业评语必须具有适应性:教师写的评语是给学生看的,所以必须使用学生能看得懂的英语来写,要切合学生的实际,符合学生的个性心理发展。也就是说教师在学生作业上的评语所使用的词汇和语法知识不能过高或过低于学生的现有水平。其次,应做到循序渐进:由简到繁、由易到难、由一般化到个性化。这两条是写好英语作业评语的前提。当然评语中偶尔可以有几个生词。有时候学生通过上下文的猜测就能理解,或者通过查阅字典来解决也能对学生有好处。这样做,有时甚至还能起到“努力一跳,搞到桃子”的促进作用。例如:·will you please do you work better next time?·well, your handwriting is very good.·wonderful, your english is very good and your writtenanswerareclearthroughout.· that' sgreat! please keepupthework.success comes byhardworkandconstant efforts.·you are an excellent student who has a natural gift for language.·l’dlike to see your development of your writtenandoralskills inenglish. 2.及时性这里说的及时应有两个意义:(l)对学生的作业及时反馈。首先,学生在家里独立做作业,他们的学习节奏、学习方式也许各不相同,这样,教师的及时反馈就显得很重要。也就是说教师如尽早地批改学生的作业,就能及时了解学生的学习进步状况及学习效果,以便掌握情况进行指导。其次,学生在做作业时,会遇到这样那样一些特殊的问题和想法,他们在急切地盼望着老师的评价和指导,所以,教师应急学生之所急,及时地给予恰当的评价。(2)及时地应用学生新近学到的一些语法知识和词汇来写评语。这样做有助于学生对新知识加深理解和强化记忆,最起码也可以让学生看到一次知识运用的实例。例如:·you are great .i’mproud of you.·you’ve made fabulous progress and i do not doubt that you'll succeed.·wonderful! i appreciate what you have done in your exercise-book and believe you'll be successful in your english study.· i’ll be glad to see that you will do your homework better next time.·this is the best i've seen today.· the harder you work, the sooner you'll improve.有下划线的是形容词或副词的比较级和级形式,假如学生们刚学过这类知识,及时地给他们写这类批语就能取得很好的效果。3.鼓励尝试,努力让每一位学生都走向成功现代教育心理学认为:成就动机能够很好地激发人的学习动机。学生们都是渴望成功的,成功的动机是一种巨大的情绪力量,它能使学生产生主动求知的心理冲动,这在做作业中也会表现出来。因此,教师在给学生布置作业时应注意尽量少一些千遍一律的抄写题,多一些可适当自由发挥的题目或问题,让不同程度和有不同爱好的学生都有自己发挥想象的空间和提出不同观点的机会,然后不失时机地给予表扬或鼓励的评语。这样,可以使每个学生都有成功的机会。例如,在教学英语有关食品方面的内容时,我们布置的作业大可不必让学生抄写vegetable, beef,rice, tomato, bean等等英语单词,可以提出一些实际问题让他们去解决、去回答:· what's yourfavouritefood? what chinese diet do you like? what western diet do you like? what do you like for lunch? what kinds of food do you usually have everyday?…然后再根据学生的口答情况,教师给予不同的表扬或鼓励:·i agree with you that we should eat healthy food and the chinese food isthe healthiest in the world. i marvel at the maturity of such a young child as you.4.真情感动学生作业不仅仅是师生间教学信息的互相反馈,而且是联系和沟通师生感情的桥梁。在作业中,学生的思想和自主学习情况,细心的教师都能觉察到。同样,从教师的评语中学生也能领悟出教师对他是否真诚、有信心和有责任心。教师对学生的努力一定要有切合实际的鼓励;对他们取得的成绩、进步,要在评语中表现出发自内心的赞赏和喜悦;对学生作业中的过错和疏忽一定要诚心诚意地以恰当的方式指出;对于一些成绩落后的学生要有同情心和责任心。赞扬要恰如其分,批评要适当委婉,重在鼓励。例如:·although you werelate in achieving, you have caught up well with your studies. i would like to see you getting fast development of your written and oral skills in english.· you have don your work better this time.i believe that nothing is impossible as long as you work hard .· practicemakes perfect.i'd like to see you participating more in class activities.·it is the same in studying as in eating, he who doesitisnothewhoseesitdone.·as fire tries gold, so does adversity try courage. nobody knows what he can do till he has tried. you have made a good start.not only energy,but also persistence is necessary to success.有道是“精诚所至,金石为开”,教师的热情和真诚必然会在一定程度上引起学生的思想转折和学习成绩的飞跃。5.平等地与学生开展评论性的讨论我们应尊重学生的个性、人格和创新精神。教师应以学生的学习伙伴、益友的身份介入学生的自主学习中,而不要总以“长者”的姿态居高临下地指手划脚,总以教训的语气评头论足;教师应以平等的态度与学生开展评论性的讨论,营造一种平等、自由的学术气氛,让学生与教师能在作业和评语中自由地交流思想,让学生拥有创造性地运用所学知识的机会和自由。例如:·nothing is more precious than time. do you agree with me? would you like to tell me your own opinions and your timetable?· what do you think about this? is that right? it is only a suggestion. i’d like to see you persisting with your opinions if you're right.·the great use of a school education is not only to teach you things but to teach you the art of learning. do you think so?6.因材施教,授人以渔贯彻素质教育的思想,把学生的综合素质作为衡量“材”的标准,把传授知识当成是为学生的多方面发展服务的,是为开启学生的潜能、培养学生的思维方式和能力服务的。在写评语时,除了努力帮助学生提高文化知识外,还应承认学生个体之间学习能力、掌握知识程度的差别,应该因材施教、授人以渔。保护那些学习成绩落后的、处于不利条件下的学生个体的继续发展权利,让他们也能得到继续发展。在批改他们的作业时,温和地指出错误的同时,指出他的优点以资鼓励,那怕是一丁点的优点。例如:·where there is a will, there's a way.·itisnot helps but obstacles that make a man.· it is a rule never to be forgotten that whatever strikes strongly should be described while the first impression remains fresh upon the mind.·your answers shou you have real ability in the course, and you are developing increasing depth of thought and clarity of expression inyour written work. but there are some grammar mistakes in it.· your work is a marvel of neatness and order. i am sure there is nothing difficult for us to learn. if we learn it, the difficult thing will be easy; if we don’t,the easy thing will be difficult. don't you think so ?· you have given a lot of facts on thewhole.that is good. if theyhad been putina more logical order, the whole essay would have been cleaner.当然,写好英语作业评语的要求还远远不止以上几点,教师不仅需要不断提高自己的英语书面表达能力,更重要的是要深人研究学生的心理特点、思想情绪、个人爱好、课外实践活动、学习习惯以及英语程度等等,以便言之有物、以理服人、因材施教。总之,给学生写评语既是一件艰苦而又有意义的事,又是一门学问,写得好会给学生培养和提高书面交际能力带来很大的帮助,其作用不可低估。