
时间:2015-09-08 08:34:45
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我的家乡英语作文80词带翻译 篇一

My Hometown

My hometown is a small coastal town located in the southern part of China. It is surrounded by beautiful mountains and faces the vast ocean. The natural scenery here is breathtaking.

One of the things I love most about my hometown is the fresh seafood. As a coastal town, we have access to a wide variety of seafood such as fish, shrimps, and crabs. The taste is absolutely delicious and it attracts many tourists who come here just to enjoy the local delicacies.

Another highlight of my hometown is the traditional festivals. We have a unique festival called the Dragon Boat Festival, where people race dragon boats and eat sticky rice dumplings. It is a time of excitement and joy for the whole community.

Furthermore, my hometown is also known for its friendly and welcoming people. They are always ready to lend a helping hand and make visitors feel at home. The warm hospitality of my hometown is something that I am truly proud of.

In conclusion, my hometown is a beautiful coastal town with stunning natural scenery, delicious seafood, vibrant festivals, and friendly people. It is a place that I will always cherish and feel proud to call home.







我的家乡英语作文80词带翻译 篇二

The History of My Hometown

My hometown, a small town located in the central part of China, has a rich history that dates back thousands of years. It was once an important trading hub along the ancient Silk Road, connecting the East and the West.

In ancient times, my hometown flourished as a center of commerce and culture. Traders from different parts of the world gathered here, bringing with them various goods and ideas. The town became a melting pot of different cultures and traditions.

One of the most significant historical sites in my hometown is the ancient city wall. Built during the Ming Dynasty, the city wall served as a defense system and played a crucial role in protecting the town from invaders. It stands as a testament to the town's glorious past.

In addition to the ancient city wall, my hometown is also home to many temples and historical buildings. These structures reflect the architectural styles of different dynasties and showcase the town's historical significance.

Although my hometown has undergone significant changes over the years, it still retains its historical charm. The local government has made efforts to preserve and restore historical sites, ensuring that future generations can appreciate and learn from the town's rich history.

In conclusion, my hometown has a fascinating history that spans thousands of years. From its role as a trading hub along the Silk Road to its preservation of historical sites, my hometown is a treasure trove of culture and heritage. I am proud to call it my home.








我的家乡英语作文80词带翻译 篇三


  My hometown is a beautiful city.

  There are beautiful scenery, endless prairie, prairie running a handsome horse horse; On the rugged hill, hill is flowers, green grass; Beautiful beautiful lake, the lake water birds fly with happiness; And do not say to go up tall buildings, wide square...

  Hometown is beautiful fish and shrimp, and some specialty, heating coal, delicious beef and mutton,...

  Although there are many beautiful scenery, home products, but our favorite is square, the square has a mammoth sculpture, machines, skating rink, a giant TV screen, and playgrounds, large stage, culture wall... Every weekend, whether it is day or night, there is with people: old people go to fitness, young people see a fountain, we, go rollerblading and meet the water fountain... Because had forgotten the time, often hear adults call to remember to go home, even so, we still have some courage, walk on the road, also look back from time to time square.

  I love my hometown, because she is not only beautiful, still can bring warmth to people around, but also the cradle of our growth.







  My hometown has a crisp fall river, today I came here again.

  In the hometown of the spring, I went to a river and attraction there, beautiful scenery. The river bottom, like a beautiful mirror, our shadow falls on the river. For a while, the sound of the distant rumble, as if the earth were to vibrate. Suddenly, the sky was a bird, I looked at the sky, turned out to be a bird to greet us! Shout! The wind blows over, all the trees. Green grass all played a beautiful dance, flowers shaky, as if in command of the trees. The grass dance!

  Summer, the sun baked the ground hot, coconut trees like willo soldiers guarded the sea. The stones around the strange. Colorful. Waves of the river and one by one, if only small fish swim in.

  Autumn, the leaves fell slowly, I picked up the shells on the river, listen to the voice of the sea, that sounds really nice. Next to the big stone is still very majestic. Spectacular, I continue to watch the scenery at the edge of the rock.

  In winter, the trees haven't got a leaf, only a branch. Small fish froze to death, some people still insist on sports, they are very strong. Some people come here for a walk, a gust of wind blowing, the wind across my face, as if the fan for me!

  This beautiful home!









