
时间:2015-01-06 08:13:45
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小学英语说课稿范例 篇一

Title: A Fun Lesson on Colors for Elementary English Learners


Good morning/afternoon, everyone. My name is [Your Name], and I will be teaching an English lesson today. The topic of our lesson is colors, and the target audience is elementary English learners. The main objective of this lesson is to introduce and reinforce the vocabulary words for colors through various interactive activities.

Warm-up (5 minutes):

To start the lesson, I will begin with a warm-up activity. I will show flashcards of different colors to the students and ask them to name the colors as quickly as possible. This will help activate their prior knowledge and get them engaged in the lesson.

Presentation (15 minutes):

Next, I will move on to the presentation of new vocabulary words. I will use visual aids such as pictures and real objects to introduce the names of different colors. For example, I will show a picture of an apple and ask the students "What color is the apple?" Then, I will elicit the answer "red" from the students. I will repeat this process for other colors like blue, yellow, and green.

Practice (20 minutes):

After the presentation, I will move on to the practice stage. I will divide the class into small groups and give each group a set of colored objects, such as colored pencils or blocks. I will then ask the students to sort the objects into different color groups and say the names of the colors aloud. This activity will help reinforce the vocabulary words and encourage collaborative learning.

Game (15 minutes):

To make the lesson more enjoyable and interactive, I will organize a game for the students. I will prepare a color-themed bingo game, where the students have to match the colored squares on their bingo cards with the colors I call out. This game will not only review the vocabulary words but also enhance their listening skills.

Wrap-up (5 minutes):

Finally, to conclude the lesson, I will do a quick review of the colors by showing flashcards and asking the students to say the names of the colors. I will also encourage them to practice using the colors in simple sentences. For example, "I like the color blue." This will help consolidate their understanding of the vocabulary words.


In this lesson, we have introduced and practiced the vocabulary words for colors through various interactive activities. By using visual aids, group work, games, and review exercises, the students will have a better grasp of the colors and be able to use them in everyday conversations. Thank you for your attention.

小学英语说课稿范例 篇二

Title: Let's Explore the Animal Kingdom in English!


Good morning/afternoon, everyone. I am [Your Name], and I will be conducting an English lesson for elementary students today. The focus of this lesson is on animals, and the aim is to introduce and expand the students' vocabulary related to different animals.

Warm-up (5 minutes):

To begin the lesson, I will start with a warm-up activity. I will show pictures of different animals on flashcards and ask the students to name the animals in English. This will help activate their prior knowledge and create a fun and engaging atmosphere in the classroom.

Presentation (15 minutes):

Next, I will move on to the presentation of new vocabulary words. I will use visual aids such as pictures, videos, and animal toys to introduce the names of various animals. I will provide the English names and ask the students to repeat after me. For example, I will show a picture of a lion and say "lion," and the students will repeat. I will continue this process for other animals like elephant, giraffe, and monkey.

Practice (20 minutes):

After the presentation, I will move on to the practice stage. I will divide the class into pairs and give each pair a set of animal flashcards. The students will take turns showing a flashcard to their partner and asking "What animal is this?" The partner will then respond with the correct English name of the animal. This activity will help reinforce the vocabulary words and encourage speaking and listening skills.

Game (15 minutes):

To make the lesson more interactive and enjoyable, I will organize a game for the students. I will prepare a memory game where the students have to match the pictures of animals with their corresponding English names. This game will not only review the vocabulary words but also enhance their memory and concentration skills.

Wrap-up (5 minutes):

Finally, to conclude the lesson, I will do a quick review of the animals by showing flashcards and asking the students to say the names of the animals. I will also encourage them to describe their favorite animals using simple sentences. For example, "My favorite animal is the elephant. It is big and has a long trunk." This will help consolidate their understanding of the vocabulary words and practice sentence structure.


In this lesson, we have explored the animal kingdom in English through various interactive activities. By using visual aids, pair work, games, and review exercises, the students have expanded their vocabulary and improved their speaking and listening skills. Thank you for your attention.

小学英语说课稿范例 篇三

Title: Teaching Numbers to Primary School Students


Good morning everyone! Today, I am excited to present a lesson on teaching numbers to primary school students. This lesson is designed for a grade two class with around 35 students. The main objective of this lesson is to introduce and reinforce the vocabulary of numbers from 1 to 20 through a variety of interactive activities.

Warm-up (5 minutes):

To begin the lesson, I will use flashcards with the numbers 1 to 10 and ask the students to hold up the corresponding number of fingers as I show each flashcard. This will help activate their prior knowledge and engage them in the topic.

Presentation (15 minutes):

I will then introduce the numbers 11 to 20 using flashcards. I will hold up each flashcard, say the number aloud, and have the students repeat after me. This will help them associate the spoken word with the written number.

Practice (20 minutes):

To practice the numbers, I will divide the class into small groups and give each group a set of number cards. The students will take turns arranging the number cards in the correct order and saying the numbers aloud. This activity will encourage collaboration and reinforce the sequencing of numbers.

Extension (10 minutes):

To extend the lesson, I will play a game of "Number Bingo." Each student will receive a bingo card with numbers randomly arranged. I will call out numbers one by one, and the students will mark the corresponding numbers on their bingo cards. The first student to get a line or a full house will be the winner. This game will not only reinforce the numbers, but also enhance the students' listening and concentration skills.

Conclusion (5 minutes):

To conclude the lesson, I will review the numbers by playing a fun and interactive game called "Number Race." The students will stand in a line and I will call out a number. The students will have to quickly run to the corresponding number on the other side of the classroom. This game will reinforce the numbers in an enjoyable and active way.


Throughout the lesson, I will assess the students' understanding by observing their participation in the activities, listening to their responses, and providing feedback. I will also collect their completed bingo cards to assess their ability to correctly identify and match the numbers.

By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to recognize and say numbers from 1 to 20 in English. They will also have practiced sequencing the numbers and playing with numbers in a fun and interactive way. This lesson aims to build a solid foundation for their further learning of numbers in English.

Thank you for your attention.

小学英语说课稿范例 篇四

【#小学英语# 导语】成功根本没有秘诀可言,如果有的话,就有两个:第一个就是坚持到底,永不言弃;第二个就是当你想放弃的时候,回过头来看看第一个秘诀,坚持到底,永不言弃,破釜沉舟 超越自我 拼搏入取 勇创佳绩。以下是®为大家整理的《小学英语说课稿(英文版)范例【五篇】》 供您查阅。 PART 1 Analysis of the Teaching Material


1.This unit is a revision unit, so it covers all communicative language knowledge learned from Unit 7 to Unit 11.

2.This lesson is the first one of Unit 12. So if the students can learn this lesson well, it will be helpful to make the students learn the rest of this unit.

3.This lesson is a dialogue about keeping fish. Such topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken English.


Knowledge  objects

1. To make the Ss know how to keep fish, birds or any other animal by learning the dialogue of this lesson.

2. To give a reinforced practice in the use of the Modal Verbs and some useful expressions for making suggestions.

Ability  objects

3. To improve students’ listening and speaking ability by reading and practising the dialogue.

4. To develop students’ communicative ability by learning the useful expressions for making suggestions and replying.

Moral objects

5. To enable the students to love life and animals, protect the nature and environment.


1.To make the Ss grasp and understand the way of making suggestions and reply in daily life.

2.To enable the students to use useful expressions for making suggestion and replying in their own dialogues related to the daily life.


   1. The usage of the Modal Verbs ,especially usage for making suggestions.

   2. Using the learned phrases and sentence patterns to make suggestions and replying.


Multi-media computer; OHP(overhead projector); tape recorder; software: Powerpoint or Authorware

PART 2 Teaching Methods

1>Five Steps Approach.

2>Communicative Approach.

PART 3 Studying Ways

1. Teach the students how to be successful language learners.

2. Teach the students how to master dialogues and how to communicate with others.

PART 4 Teaching Procedure

Step 1 Revision

   Get the students to give some animals’ names they know by asking the students the following question: Can you give us some names of different animals you know? This step is employed to revise the words related the animals. At the same time draw the students’ attention to the topic about animals.

Step 2 Lead-in

    Sign to the students to be quiet and close their books. Then start a free talk with the students. Use computer to show some pictures of different pets, such as dogs, cats etc. Ask the students several questions about raising pets. These questions are employed to warm up the students and raise the interests of the students to speak English in class on the topics they like and familiar with.

Good morning, everyone!

Today, I’ll say something about Unit 9 Part A in Book 4 of Oxford English.

Background on the reformation of curriculum, this book can connect the l

ife and act, emphasize the interest and experience of the Ss, the pictures are active and vivid. Grade four is the initial stage of English learning, so it stresses on the emotion of the Ss, creates a well beginning for the Ss. This Unit has 7 parts, we’ll learn Part A mainly, it embodies the repeating characterize. Review the learned language points “Where’s…”and the new language points will be represented in the following units. So this unit forms connecting links with a special meaning in this book.

The content of this period is to use “Where’s\are…” to determine the place. And according to the contents and the fact of the Ss, I establish the following three teaching aims of this period:

The first one: students can listen, read, say and spell the following words: a glass, a fridge, an egg, bread and a table.

The second one: students can listen, read, say and write the following daily expressions: What’s for breakfast?

Have some juice then.

The third one: students can listen, read, say and write the following sentence patterns: Where’s\Where are the\my…

It’s \They’re…

There’s no …in \on \near…

I think the most difficult point of this period is to make sure the students can use the patterns “Where’s\Where are…and There is no …in\on\near…” in their daily life correctly.

And I will use some pictures, words and sentence cards, a tape recorder and the multi-media computer to help me achieve the aims.

The task-based method, communicated method, group cooperate method will be used in this period.

To accomplish the aims, I design the following steps:

Step 1 Songs and the game arousers the emotion.

In order to attract the Ss’ attention and construct an atmosphere of learning English, I let the students sing some English songs and play the game “Simon says”. At the same time the game can review the prep, serve the knowledge as foil and consist the appearance of the knowledge.

Step 2 Change class to life, happy to say.

The substance of language is communication and the environment of communication is life. So when I present the sentence pattern “What’s for breakfast?” I first show a clock to elicit the time for breakfast, teach the sentence. Then show my own photo of having breakfast, Ss ask and guess. In this way I can attract Ss’ attention, encourage Ss to ask Qs with the new knowledge.

Most of the Ss have learnt the sentence pattern: Where’s…? so I design a task for Ss to help Helen find the food and drinks for breakfast, and teach the new language points: Where are…?      

They’re … Meanwhile stick the sentences on the Bb.

After some practice by asking and answering, I present the next language points:

There’s no …in\on\near…

Have …then.

And I will stick these sentence patterns on the Bb. Finally I’ll let the Ss do pair works to consolidate them.

Step 3 Listen to the tape and Ss imitate to read and say.

As the new reformation of curriculum, emphasized the traditional class attach importance to the mechanical teaching, neglect the experience and participation, for example, the five-step method. So in this lesson, after presentation, I ask Ss to listen to the tape with three Qs, read in different roles and in pairs, then try to recite the text.

Step 4 Ss be the main body, T makes a guider.

In class, Ss play as a host, and the T makes an influence on guiding, help Ss to act the learnt dialogue, it can stress the position of the Ss, and arouse their interest.

Then I show a carton with no voice, ask Ss to make a dialogue in pairs.

There are lots of ways to consolidate the new knowledge. Playing game is a good way. So according to the physiology of Ss, I hold a group competition during the game, ask Ss to finish the blanks. In this way can develop Ss’ good habits and achieve the aim of mastering the learned knowledge in situation.

Step 5 Change class to life, learn by themselves.

Is this the end of the class? I don’t think so. If there is an end, I think it should be in the life. So I extend this class, encourage Ss to use the learned to communicate with each other in their life.

In a word, the whole period is based on tasks, which are designed from easy steps to steps that are challenging. When the Ss are carting out the tasks, they can acquire information, knowledge, and have their ability and skills trained.


Thank you!


