
时间:2013-03-07 04:35:14
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Title: Let's Explore the World of Science!

Host: Good morning, everyone! Welcome to our school's English radio station. I'm your host, [Your Name]. Today, I would like to talk to you about the fascinating world of science.

Host: Science is all around us, from the moment we wake up in the morning until we go to bed at night. It helps us understand the world we live in and how things work. Have you ever wondered why the sky is blue or how plants grow? Science holds the answers to these questions and many more.

Host: In our school, we have a Science Club where students can learn and explore different scientific topics. We have experiments, projects, and even field trips to museums and science fairs. It's a great opportunity for all of us to have fun while learning about science.

Host: One of the most exciting things about science is that it is constantly changing and evolving. Scientists are always making new discoveries and finding better ways to solve problems. Who knows, maybe one of you listening right now will become a famous scientist one day!

Host: Science is not just for adults or professionals. Even as children, we can start to develop our scientific thinking skills. We can ask questions, make observations, and conduct simple experiments. By doing so, we can develop our critical thinking skills and become more curious about the world.

Host: So, my fellow students, let's embrace the world of science and explore its wonders. Let's always ask questions and seek knowledge. Who knows what amazing discoveries we will make together!

Host: That's all for today's broadcast. Thank you for tuning in. Remember, science is all around us, so let's keep exploring and learning. Have a wonderful day, everyone!


Title: The Importance of Reading

Host: Good morning, everyone! Welcome to our school's English radio station. I'm your host, [Your Name]. Today, I would like to talk to you about the importance of reading.

Host: Reading is not just a hobby or an activity; it is a gateway to knowledge and imagination. When we read, we open up a world of possibilities. We can learn about different cultures, explore new ideas, and go on adventures without leaving our homes.

Host: In our school, we have a wonderful library filled with books of all genres and topics. We have fiction, non-fiction, biographies, and so much more. The library is a treasure trove waiting to be discovered. I encourage all of you to visit the library regularly and let your imagination soar.

Host: Reading also helps to improve our language skills. When we read, we are exposed to new vocabulary, sentence structures, and writing styles. This helps us become better writers and communicators. So, if you want to improve your English, make reading a daily habit.

Host: Reading is not just for schoolwork or assignments. It can be a source of entertainment and relaxation too. We can get lost in the pages of a good book and forget about our worries for a while. It's like going on a mini-vacation without leaving our seats.

Host: Lastly, reading helps to develop empathy and understanding. When we read about different characters and their experiences, we can put ourselves in their shoes and see the world from their perspective. This helps us become more empathetic and compassionate individuals.

Host: So, my fellow students, let's make reading a priority in our lives. Let's explore different genres, authors, and topics. Let's discover the joy and magic that books can bring. Remember, with a book in hand, we can go on countless adventures.

Host: That's all for today's broadcast. Thank you for tuning in. Remember, reading is a superpower that can unlock endless possibilities. So, grab a book and let your imagination take flight. Have a wonderful day, everyone!

小学生校园英语广播稿 篇三

Title: The Importance of Exercise

Hello, everyone! Welcome to our school's English radio station. I'm your host, [Your Name]. Today, I want to talk to you about the importance of exercise.

Exercise is not only good for our physical health but also for our mental well-being. It helps us stay fit, strong, and active. It improves our cardiovascular health, strengthens our muscles, and enhances our flexibility. Regular exercise can also prevent chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

For young students like us, exercise is especially important. It helps us develop healthy habits and promotes proper growth and development. Regular physical activity improves our motor skills, coordination, and balance. It also boosts our energy levels and helps us stay focused in class.

Exercise not only benefits our physical health but also our mental health. It reduces stress and anxiety, improves our mood, and increases our self-confidence. Exercise stimulates the release of endorphins, which are chemicals in our brain that make us feel happy and relaxed. It also helps us sleep better, which is crucial for our overall well-being.

To incorporate exercise into our daily routine, we can engage in various activities such as running, swimming, cycling, or playing team sports. It is important to find activities that we enjoy and that suit our interests and abilities. Remember to warm up before exercising and cool down afterward to prevent injuries.

In addition to physical activities, we should also limit our screen time and engage in outdoor activities. Encourage your friends and classmates to join you in exercising. Exercising together not only makes it more fun but also helps us stay motivated and accountable.

So, my dear friends, let's make exercise a priority in our lives. Let's stay active, healthy, and happy. Remember, a little exercise goes a long way.

Thank you for listening. This is [Your Name] signing off from our school's English radio station. Have a great day!

小学生校园英语广播稿 篇四

  A&B:Good afternoon, everyone. Nice to see you again。Welcome to our Happy English!

  A: I&rs

quo;m xxx

  B: I’m xxx

  A:Hi, B, How are you?

  B:I’m happy.

  A: Why are you so happy (你为什么这么高兴 )

  B: 因为我这个周末要去barbecue.

  A: barbecue?

  B:yes,Barbecue 如今是个时髦的词,原来你还不知道,那让我告诉你吧。


  B: barbecue 来源于海地语,最初是指由树桩制成的木制平台,是人们当床用的 。而barbecue 最早出现在英语之中有“床”和“烧烤架”两种意思,到了18世纪才发展成今天的“烤肉,烧烤”之意。大家是不是越听越有食欲了呢?好了,选择一个风和日丽的周末和你的mom and dad 一起去barbecue 吧!

  A:Good idea!当然你也可以约上朋友去barbecue,既尝到了美味,又是个放松,聊天的好机会。

  B; 接下来我们要跟同学们介绍一个俚语。不知道同学们还记不记得我们上期节目中说到的一个luck dog。

  A: 我记得,是幸运儿的意思。


  A:当我们把颜色 black 黑色 和 sheep 绵羊放在一起使用时,意思可就完全不一样了哦。

  Sheep 绵羊是性情温顺的动物,通常用来比喻善良,纯洁的人。一群绵羊中有时会夹杂一只长黑毛的绵羊,因为黑绵羊不如白绵羊值钱,所以black sheep 就比喻为无用之辈,大家明白了吗?black sheep 指人时是“无用之辈”的意思哦,大家一定要记住,千万不要闹出笑话了。

  A: 今天说到sheep绵羊,我们再说说其它动物吧,说起鱼(fish)你们一定嘴巴有点儿馋了吧!可要小心哟,并不是所有的“fish”鱼都能吃的。

  B: 不信 !那今天我们就来说说不能吃的fish.提起fish,它给人们的第一印象便是指“鱼”,


  B:如: poor fish


  B: April fish


  B: cool fish


  B: dull fish


  B: shy fish





  A: shy fish

  B: 羞羞答答的家伙

  A: dull fish

  B: 头脑迟钝的家伙;言语无味的人

  A: cool fish

  B: 冷静而大胆的家伙或脸皮厚的人

  A: April fish

  B: 愚人节的受愚弄者

  A: poor fish


  A&B: 好了,今天的英语广播就到这了,谢谢大家的收听!See you.



  L:Hello,My name is Liu Lingyun. I’m from Class 1,Grade4.

  P:Hello,I’m Pang Siyun. I’m from the same class.

  L:Are you ready? OK, follow us and enjoy it!


  一.Say you, say me

  P:下面,让我们进入今天的第一个板块“Say you, say me”

  L:Boys and girls, let’s play a game, OK?


  L:Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun? (男孩为什么让他的狗坐在阳光下?)


  L:下面,我来公布答案了:He wants to have a hot dog.


  P:下面让我们继续吧,Who always goes to bed with his shoes on?


  L:Oh ,I see. It’s a horse.同学们,你们猜到了吗?

  P:最后一题,大家仔细听哦。He is a lucky dog. 其中lucky dog是什么意思?提示大家一下, Lucky是幸运的意思



  L:OH,my god!


