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英语中考作文书写范文 篇一

Shopping Online vs. Shopping in Stores

In recent years, online shopping has become increasingly popular. Many people prefer shopping online due to its convenience and variety of choices. However, shopping in physical stores still has its advantages. In this essay, I will compare and contrast shopping online and shopping in stores to help you decide which is better for you.

One significant advantage of shopping online is convenience. With just a few clicks, you can browse through numerous products and make purchases without leaving your home. This saves time and energy, especially for those with busy schedules. Additionally, online shopping allows you to shop at any time of the day or night, unlike physical stores with fixed opening hours.

Moreover, online shopping provides a wide range of choices. You can easily compare prices and find the best deals without having to visit multiple stores. Online retailers often have a larger inventory, offering a greater variety of products. This is especially beneficial for those looking for specific items or unique products that may not be available in local stores.

On the other hand, shopping in physical stores has its own advantages. Firstly, you can physically see and try on the products before making a purchase. This allows you to assess the quality and fit of the items, which is particularly important when buying clothes or shoes. Additionally, in-store shopping provides immediate gratification as you can take your purchases home right away, without having to wait for shipping.

Furthermore, shopping in stores can offer a more personalized experience. Store staff can provide assistance and advice, helping you make informed decisions. They can also answer any questions you may have about the products. This personal interaction can enhance the overall shopping experience and build customer loyalty.

In conclusion, both online shopping and shopping in stores have their own advantages. Online shopping offers convenience and a wide selection of products, while shopping in stores allows for physical interaction and immediate gratification. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on personal preferences and needs. So, next time you go shopping, consider which method suits you best.

英语中考作文书写范文 篇二

The Importance of Environmental Protection

Environmental protection is a topic of great importance in today's world. With the increasing threat of climate change and the depletion of natural resources, it is crucial that we take actions to protect our environment. In this essay, I will discuss the importance of environmental protection and suggest some ways in which we can contribute to this cause.

Firstly, environmental protection is essential for the well-being of all living beings. The environment provides us with clean air, water, and food, which are essential for our survival. By protecting the environment, we are ensuring a healthy and sustainable future for ourselves and future generations. Additionally, a clean and well-preserved environment enhances our quality of life, providing us with beautiful landscapes and recreational spaces.

Secondly, environmental protection is crucial for the preservation of biodiversity. The Earth is home to millions of species, each playing a unique role in the ecosystem. By protecting the environment, we are protecting these species and their habitats, ensuring the balance of nature. Biodiversity is not only important for the survival of various species, but it also contributes to the stability and resilience of ecosystems.

Furthermore, environmental protection is closely linked to sustainable development. Sustainable development aims to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. By implementing environmentally friendly practices, such as reducing waste and conserving energy, we can promote sustainable development and ensure a better future for all.

There are several ways in which we can contribute to environmental protection. Firstly, we can practice the three Rs: reduce, reuse, and recycle. By reducing waste, reusing materials, and recycling, we can minimize the negative impact on the environment. Secondly, we can conserve energy and water by using energy-efficient appliances and taking shorter showers. Additionally, we can support environmentally friendly initiatives and organizations by volunteering or donating.

In conclusion, environmental protection is crucial for the well-being of all living beings and the preservation of biodiversity. It is our responsibility to take actions to protect the environment and ensure a sustainable future. By practicing the three Rs, conserving energy and water, and supporting environmentally friendly initiatives, we can contribute to this cause and make a positive impact on our planet.

英语中考作文书写范文 篇三

Nowadays, working overtime is so common in many companies, especially in foreign companies, private companies, and joint ventures. As far as I am concerned, there are two main reasons of working overtime. For one thing, there is indeed too much work to do. If it is so, the boss should compensate staffs by paying them as overtime salary or giving them vacations. For another, some staffs are not suitable for their positions. In that case, the boss ought to help them to improve their working efficiency. If they are still not qualified, boss may change the positions for them, or to the worst, dismiss them. That's all what I think about working overtime.

英语中考作文书写范文 篇四

Dear manager,

I learn from the newspaper that a secretary of the English language is wanted in your beg to apply for the post.

My name is Li Hua, a girl of graduated from the English Department of a university four years ’ve been working as a guide of English for four I take more pleasure in the job as a can speak good English as well as Chinese.

I want very much to be accepted by your give me an answer if these satisfy you.

Yours faithfully,

Li Hua

英语中考作文书写范文 篇五

Happiness is for everyone. Some students think happiness comes from studying hard at their

lessons. Their parents are always taking good care of their life and their health. They feel happy.

Some students say when they do something wrong, people around them will help them to correct it. They believe this is happiness.

I agree with them. I love my friends congratulating me when I enjoy success. When I do something kind to others, I feel happy, too.

When we think of these things, we realize that happiness is all around us.

英语中考作文书写范文 篇六

Here are some suggestions to keep healthy.

Firstly,we should keep a good mood. Keeping a good mood can make us healthy andwealthy. Secondly, we should have enough sleep every day. Don't stay up late atnight and get up early in the morning. Thirdly, we should develop a good eatinghabit, namely eating more fresh fruits and green vegetables, less meat and nojunk food. Besides, make sure that eat at regular intervals. In addition, weshould change our clothes as the season goes. What’s more, when we are at home,we should open the windows to keep the air clean. Last but not least, do theexercise every day to strengthen our health.

Do please pay attention to thesepoints, keeping a healthy body.


