
时间:2013-05-09 09:40:22
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英语教师辞职信 篇一

Dear [School Principal's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my position as an English teacher at [School Name], effective [resignation date].

First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunity to work at [School Name]. Over the past [number of years/months], I have had the privilege of teaching and interacting with some truly exceptional students, supportive colleagues, and an administration that values education. It has been a truly rewarding experience for me, and I am grateful for the trust and support that I have received from all of you.

However, after careful consideration and reflection, I have come to the difficult decision that it is time for me to move on from my current role. This decision has not been made lightly, and I assure you that it is not a reflection of any dissatisfaction with the school or its management. Rather, it is a personal choice based on my own professional growth and development.

I have been offered a new opportunity that aligns more closely with my long-term career goals. This opportunity will allow me to further expand my knowledge and skills in the field of education and will provide me with new challenges and opportunities for growth. I believe that taking on this new role will allow me to continue making a positive impact on students' lives and contribute to the field of education in a meaningful way.

I want to assure you that I will do everything in my power to ensure a smooth transition for my replacement. I will work closely with the new teacher, providing them with any necessary information and resources to ensure a seamless continuation of the curriculum. I am also open to assisting in the hiring process for my replacement if needed.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to the entire school community for the support and encouragement I have received during my time at [School Name]. I have truly enjoyed being a part of this community and have formed lasting relationships with colleagues, students, and their families. I will cherish the memories and experiences I have gained here, and I am confident that the school will continue to thrive and provide an excellent education to its students.

Once again, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for all that [School Name] has offered me. I am grateful for the opportunities for professional and personal growth that I have had during my time here. I am confident that the school will continue to excel in the future.

Thank you for your understanding and support in this matter. I look forward to remaining in touch and to hearing about the continued success of [School Name] and its students.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

英语教师辞职信 篇二

Dear [School Principal's Name],

I am writing to tender my resignation as an English teacher at [School Name], effective [resignation date]. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time working at [School Name], and it is with a heavy heart that I have made this decision.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you and the entire school community for your unwavering support and guidance throughout my tenure. The opportunity to teach at [School Name] has been an incredible experience, and I have been fortunate to work alongside such dedicated and passionate colleagues. The relationships I have formed with both students and fellow teachers will be cherished for years to come.

However, after much contemplation and consideration, I have come to the realization that it is time for me to pursue new opportunities and challenges in my career. I have been offered a position at another institution that aligns more closely with my professional goals and aspirations. This new role will allow me to further develop my skills as an educator and contribute to the field of English language teaching in a different capacity. While it was a difficult decision to make, I believe it is the right step for my personal and professional growth.

I want to assure you that I will do everything possible to ensure a smooth transition for my replacement. I will work closely with the incoming teacher, providing them with detailed handover notes, curriculum materials, and any other resources required to facilitate a seamless transition. I am also more than willing to assist in the recruitment process if needed.

I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the entire school community for the support, encouragement, and guidance I have received during my time at [School Name]. It has been an honor and a privilege to be part of such a wonderful institution. I will always look back fondly on my time here and the memories I have made with students and colleagues.

I would like to thank you once again for the opportunity to work at [School Name]. It has been a valuable experience that has allowed me to grow both personally and professionally. I will always be grateful for the knowledge and skills I have acquired during my time here.

Please accept my resignation with a heavy heart, knowing that this decision was not made lightly. I am confident that [School Name] will continue to excel in providing a nurturing and stimulating learning environment for its students. I wish the school, its faculty, and the students all the best in their future endeavors.

Thank you for your understanding and support. I look forward to staying in touch and hearing about the continued success of [School Name].

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

英语教师辞职信 篇三









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英语教师辞职信 篇四











