改姓申请书范文 篇一
改姓申请书范文 篇二
改姓申请书范文 篇三
申请人 (XXX 某年某月某日)
改姓申请书范文 篇四
相声《改姓》--校园相声剧本|中学生相声剧本|中学生相声小品剧本 甲:我刚入学那年啊,就听说学校里有一个老师名叫“xxx”。 乙:喂、喂、喂,具本人所知,在我们中国的百家姓当中,根本就没有姓法的! 甲:是啊,当时我也纳闷,真是怪事,如果有姓法的为什么偏偏起“xxx”这样的臭名呢! 乙:不是你耳朵感冒听错了吧? 甲:我根本就没听错,这个问题后来在比我高两年级的一个同学那找到了准确答案。 乙:那你就把答案给大家公布一下吧!让我们也听一听。 甲:原来这位老师不姓法,也不叫“xxx”。她姓姜。 乙:这姓法和姓姜既不谐音也不形近。这是那和那啊! 甲:因为姓姜的这个老师平时特严肃,担任学校的政教工作。 乙:哦,这个政教工作我知道,就是抓学生的思想工作和管理学校纪律,我上学的那会儿没少和政教老师打交道。 甲:恩,看的出来,一看你就是总犯思想错误,不遵守学校纪律的坏蛋。 乙:什么呀,你才坏蛋呢,我那时候是学校学生会的团委书记,是要经常和老师沟通思想的。 甲:还真没看出来,你还是个学生干部,我还以为你是个犯罪分子呢! 乙:接着说你的吧! 甲:这个担任政教工作的姜老师工作起来特别认真。 乙:对,政教老师是应该严肃认真一些。 甲:由于他的工作性质,平时总和违反学校纪律的学生接触,处理事情手段“很辣”啊! 乙:对违反纪律的现象就应该狠一些,决不留情面。 甲:他对工作十分认真,一丝不句。 乙:什么?一丝不句? 甲:啊!不,是一丝不挂。 乙:啊!人体模特啊! 甲:啊!是一丝不苟。 乙:这还差不多。 甲:他对工作一丝不苟,兢兢业业。就这样。“xxx”的名字在背地里就传播开了,而且越传越远,已达到弄假成真的地步了。 乙:这说明同学们对他呀。是敬而远之。 甲:有一天,我们班里的一个学生违反了学校的纪律。 乙:这下可要吃不了兜着走了。 甲:被责令把家长叫到学校来。 乙:这下可完了,学生最怕犯错误把家长找到学校来了,弄不好在学校挨批评,回家还得挨棍子。不过这也充分体现了学校、家长双项结合的教育理念。 甲:那天,姜老师正在向同学们布置本周的评比内容。 乙:是布置评比工作。 甲:姜老师布置完毕,刚进办公室,还没等坐下来,就听有敲门的声音。 乙:又来事了。 甲:是学生家长。 乙:一定是违反学校纪律的哪个学生家长吧! 甲:是的,他一进门就给姜老是鞠个躬,边鞠躬边道歉。 乙:哎,那你能不能给大家学学那个家长是怎么说的。 甲:行啊,那我就临时扮演一下那个家长。 乙:那我就扮演一下姜老师。 甲:(敲门,当当当) 乙:这就开始啦!(咳嗽一声)谁啊?请进! 甲:(边鞠躬边道歉)法老师,你好!法老师,给您添麻烦了,法老师,我家孩子违反了学校的纪律,这是我们家长平时教育的不够,还请法老师多多谅解。 乙:好吗!我~~~~不姓法。 甲:你,你不是管政教的xxx老师吗? 乙:我姓姜,最近我才知道,由于我管政教,总扳着脸,一些同学们背地里叫我 “xxx”。 甲:噢。原来你姓姜不姓法啊,对不起,真是对不起! 乙:没关系,孩子犯错误是难免的,只要我们学校和家长共同努力,正确引导,问题是会解决的。 甲:从这件事发生以后,姜老师改变了以前的工作方法,脸上的笑容多了,但工作依然是一丝不~~~~苟! 乙:转变了工作方法。 甲:从此,学生们叫他“xxx”的是越来越少。 乙:少到以后根本没人知道曾经有个“xxx”老师。 甲:同学们,让我们加强自身的纪律性,遵守学校的校规校纪,在犯错的时候懂得自我检查,知错就改,同时,不要计较老师在处理问题是的面部表情啦! 乙:同学们,学校里没有了“xxx”老师,我们更要~ 合:好好学习,天天向上,遵守纪律,争当好学生!
改姓申请书范文 篇五
Dear_ My teacher:
I'm from Henan Province__ Middle school students, I'm very glad to present myapplication for studying abroad to you, and I hope to take this opportunity tostand out for the smooth entry_ The university has laid a solid foundation.
In this dream city of the capital, there are many colleges and universities,but only your school has deeply attracted my attention. Every year, our highschool will be admitted to your school, they are known as "the son of heaven".When the admission gold list was posted to the campus, looking at the smile ontheir faces, my heart was like a rough sea, and I couldn't bear it any more. Isecretly made up my mind that one day I would build my dream on the campus ofthe National People's Congress with my own strength and become a part ofher.
To be successful, we have to work hard and study hard.
In learning, I am very strict with myself, and fully carry forward the spiritof not afraid to bear hardships to face all the difficulties and setbacks inlearning. I know that learning is a process of suffering. Only by perseveringcan we achieve the rebirth of Phoenix Nirvana and reach the other side ofsuccess. Therefore, in the classroom, I closely follow the teacher's ideas,listen carefully, take notes carefully, every knowledge point will not bemissed. After class, I cherish the time, work hard to review, actively preview,and control my learning rhythm. I like to think about problems, like to explorethe source of problems, and then draw inferences from one instance, break thewhole into parts. Due to my diligence and hard work, I got excellent results. Iwas in the forefront of the school in every exam, and was affirmed by teachersand students. I was rated as excellent class cadre, excellent student andlearning pacesetter for many times.
At the same time, I also take time to develop my interests. I like to playtable tennis, badminton, basketball, immersed in the passion of physicalexercise and heroic, in the tension and stimulation between the harvest of astrong physique. But I prefer traditional Chinese culture to physicalexercise.
I like the breadth and depth of Chinese culture, the massiness and magic ofChinese culture. After class, I have read many classics of Chinese studies, suchas Mencius, the Analects of Confucius, historical records, Zizhitongjian,Hanshu, and so on. I feel the infinite charm of Chinese Studies in words andstories. In my opinion, Sinology is not only the traditional culture, but alsothe core value concept and pursuit of the Chinese nation. It is a high summaryof the way of thinking, behavior, life and production of the Chinese people forthousands of years. It is the milk of the Chinese mother, the blood, spirit andsoul of the Chinese people, and the sky and earth of the Chinese people'sfaith.
Out of my love for Sinology, I have been determined to devote myself to thestudy, excavation and promotion of the precious culture of the motherland sinceI was a child. With what I have learned, I will contribute my humble efforts tothe cultural development of the country and the cultural rejuvenation of thenation.
And the reason why I'm in so many places_ I love your university because ofits profound culture. Your university is a comprehensive research-orienteduniversity focusing on Humanities and social sciences. Since the establishmentof the University, your school has never forgotten the school running purpose of"serving the people, studying and serving the country". Taking "seeking truthfrom facts" as the school motto, it has gradually formed a complete educationsystem, especially focusing on the role of Humanities and Social Sciences inunderstanding the world, inheriting civilization, innovating theories,consulting politics and educating people, and serving the society, It hasprovided a large number of high-quality talents for the country, among which FanWenlan, Feng Qiyong, Ai Qing, Wang Xiaobo and other alumni are famous and havemade great contributions to the cultural construction of the country.
I admire the National College of your university. It is the first educationaland scientific research institution in New China that takes Sinology as thepurpose of educational research and is a graduate school. The college has astrong academic force. It has formulated a complete and systematic teaching planof Sinology, established a curriculum system centered on classic study, andfully considered the organic integration of tradition and modern. In teachingand research, it not only inherits the characteristics of traditionalscholarship, but also has a distinct modernity and broad international these make me yearn. Therefore, I think your college is my dream place andwill change my life path.
Dear teacher, please consider and accept my application, give me a piece ofsky, let me fly freely, give me a piece of ocean, let me swim freely, I believethat entering the National People's Congress is my most wise choice. If I amaccepted successfully, I will cherish my time, work hard and assiduously, devotemyself to academic research, follow the footsteps of masters, leave my name inthe inheritance of Chinese culture, become the pillar of the country and thepride of the National People's Congress.
I believe I can.
改姓申请书范文 篇六